t w e n t y s e v e n

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[Draco's POV]

It turned out that Draco had made Hermione late for her meeting and in turn, received a vicious howler from her that nearly shredded his face to pieces.

Today, was a Sunday and he had just come back from The Burrow. Draco lazily lit one of Astoria's Amortentia candles with his wand and made his way to the dressing room, letting the soft cinnamon scent fill the room. He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his shirt letting it fall to the ground.

I need to start working out again. Draco though as he patted his stomach where his defined six pack had once been and was now, though still visible, looked more like a two pack. Draco sighed, I'm getting old. Soon I'll be like my grandfather, ha! He unzipped his jeans and pulled them down


Draco had never moved faster in his entire life when he yanked his jeans back up, fumbling hopelessly with the zipper.

"What are you doing?" Hermione had apparated right into his room and was now giving him a quizzical look.

"What am I doing?! What are you doing?" He was the usually the one to randomly apparated into other people's rooms, not her.

He saw her cheeks go a rosy colour, "I didn't have anything to do at home so I thought I'd - y'know - pop by." She smiled shyly and it made Draco's heart race. Damn, she's adorable.

"Maybe next time just - y'know - gimme a call before hand,"

"I did! Four miss calls. Four, Malfoy."

"Oh... well, now that you're here, what do you wanna do?"

"What were you going to do before I came here?"

"Take a shower."


"What, do you wanna join me?" Draco said, smirking.

He hadn't expected it when she said, "You know what? I think I do, actually."

Draco was pretty sure that his eyebrows had shot all the way up to his hairline but he had to keep his dignity, "Alright then, let's go."

"Okay." Hermione took off her t shirt and laughed at Draco's stunned face, "What? Oh come on, you've seen me in a bikini, what's the difference?"

"There is a difference! A bikini's a bikini, this is like underwear, it's more... I don't know, intimate."

"Please, even if I'm wearing a bikini right now you wouldn't notice.
Go take a shower, I'll wait here."

Draco gave a soft laugh, "And you said you were going to take a shower with me."

[Hermione's POV]

Hermione was sitting on Draco's bed, bouncing up and down, slowly drifting away into her thoughts.

How is is bed so soft and bouncy? Huh, rich people.

It wasn't that her bed at home wasn't comfortable, no, it was just that his bed was just really sqooshy. Hermione flopped back onto the bed, grabbed one of his pillows and hugged it to her chest as Draco came out of the bathroom and laid down next to her.

Draco gently grabbed her hand, turned her palm towards him and traced slow circles, sending tickling tingles up her arm. "We should move in together, you know. It'd be great. I mean, we would be together all the time, watch any movies whenever we like, make out whenever we want, y'know?"

"Yeah, I know. And then we'll get married and have a couple of kids..."

"And one of them could be called Draco Junior!"

"Over my dead body. Draco Junior? What, we'll have a girl and call it Hermione Junior?"

"Sure, I mean it's a nice name." He rolled over onto his side to face her and whispered, "I meant the name Draco." He winked at her as she smacked him in the arm but couldn't help laughing.

"You complete arse!"

[Draco's POV]

After Hermione had stopped trying to bruise every part of his body they laid side by side on his bed, both of them lost in their thoughts. He reached out a tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, "Hey, are still a virgin?" Hermione had gone quiet for a minute and Draco started to apologise, "Sorry, it's none of my business."

"No, it is. I mean you're my boyfriend now but yeah, I'm still a virgin."

"So you've been single for all these years?"

"After you left me there then yeah I've been single up until now so I've had no one to do it with."

"So you've had no one to fuck? No one to get laid with."

Hermione made a face, "Well I'm not like you. I don't just get laid whenever I please but yeah, pretty much."

They had been together for about a year and a bit (including the time at Hogwarts) and they had grown miraculously close - especially for two people who had once been former enemies. They had shared their best and worst memories with each other, been there for each other when they had had no one else.

He was the guy. He should be the one making the first move... right? Sure he didn't have to make the first move, but he didn't know that Hermione would.

"Do you want to?"

She sat up cross-legged opposite him and looked at him quizzically, "Do what?"

So I'll have to actually say it. Merlin's beard, why do I have to get so nervous around her?!

"Y'know... make love?" He said awkwardly. "I mean, you don't have to. It's absolutely your choice, I was just thinking that -"

"No, I want to."

Hermione pulled him into a passionate kiss that took his breath away. It was a fierce kiss that was using the years of hunger and longing as its fuel, pushing them closer and closer together until the space between them had completely vanished. He felt her reach down to the hem of his shirt and he let her pull it over his head as he did the same to hers. His lips had found its way down to the base of her neck and sucked on the skin as Hermione let out a quiet gasp. His hands had gone to the clasps of her bra, tugging on it lightly for permission. They pulled away for a moment and he looked into the caramel brown orbs, searching for the permission to remove the item of clothing.

"Can I?" Draco breathed out hoarsely, still transfixed on those hypnotising orbs. Hermione gave a small nod and he slowly unclasped the bra, letting the straps slide down her arms. Her face had gone slightly red as he traced the outer curves of her breast.

Hermione placed a hand on his wrist, "I know I'm not -"

"You're beautiful. And don't let any bastard tell you otherwise."

She breathed out something along the lines of a small laugh and kissed him again, slowly on the lips, grazing the tip of her tongue along his upper lip as she somewhat timidly unbuckled his belt.

Soon every piece of clothing was scattered clumsily on the floor and they made love for the first time that night, feeling their hearts beat as one.

I've never written a love scene before so apologies if it's really cringey. :)

Love Fond

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