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[Hermione's POV]

Last night when Hermione had told Ginny that she had kissed Malfoy, she almost died of shock. Not long afterwards, she received a lecturing from her redheaded friend who seemed to have turned into a protective mother over the course of ten minutes. "Hey, you okay?"

Hermione shrugged, taking a sip of pumping juice, "Maybe,"

"You were kinda intoxicated, right?"

"Uh huh,"

"So, you might not have been thinking straight."

"Yeah maybe,"

"It might've been just a one off thing,"

"Uh huh," she stirred her soup, not paying much attention.

"Do you want it to be a one off thing?"

"Is it a bad thing if I don't?" Hermione put her head into her hands, "I mean, it's such a Malfoy thing to just go around kissing people, but - call me crazy - it felt real."

"So you want it to be real?"

"I DON'T KNOWWWW!" She couldn't do something like this with Malfoy, she was still in a relationship with Ron. Well, at least she thought so. "And then there's Ron, and our kiss and everything! I mean, I don't even know what's going on between us. Are we a thing? Or are we not?"

"Look, if you want, I'll talk to him for you." She shrugged, "You know, set things straight between you guys."

"Ron or Malfoy?"

"Both I guess?"

"Yeah that'd be -" Hermione felt every muscle in her body stop working as her eyes met Malfoy's. Each second, bringing back more memories from last night. Each second, more painful than the last. She couldn't help but get lost in those icy pools of ice. It was hypnotising. She had always loved his eyes, they were the most beautiful pair of eye she had ever seen. Although she hated to admit, but it had been this way for some time. Even before the war when they were still fighting and hating each other, she had secretly loved his eyes. The colour of them, how they reflected the snow on a stormy winter's day. She tore her eyes away from his and got up, "I think I'll head to class early."

[Ginny's POV]

Ginny sighed, they had only been at school for a week or so and there was already a load of drama to take care of. And that stupid brother of hers! She wanted to hex him into oblivion for doing this to Hermione. Ron had never been good with his emotions, even when he was young. Sure, he was a kind, caring and a protective brother - sometimes too protective - but he had never known what to do with his feelings. But Hermione was her best friend, and if Ron was just going to keep pushing it away like it'd never happen then she was going to do something about it.

Ginny walked over to the Slytherin table and tapped Malfoy on the shoulder, he turned around looking extremely annoyed, "Look, Pansy I've told you -" he stopped mid sentence as Ginny raised an eyebrow.

"You and Parkinson, huh?" She said looking rather amused.

"What do you want Weaslette? Suppose you're not hear to bid me a good morning,"

"Will you stop calling me that?" Weaslette was even worse than when he'd call anyone with ginger hair Weasley.

"Nope," he gave her a cocky grin that made her want to hex him, "We need to talk about Hermione."

All the colour drained out of his already pale face, "W-What about Granger?"

"You know exactly what," she was starting to get impatient, "Look, if you don't come and talk with me this instant, Malfoy, I will announce right here and right now that you kissed Hermione Granger."

Bite me Granger: a dramione fanfiction~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat