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[Hermione's POV]

Her parents had welcomed Draco like they did they first time and chatted to him like they had known him forever, which was a huge relief. Hermione and Draco offered to do they washing up while her parents decided to go to bed early after a "surprisingly" exhausting evening.

"Well, you're parents don't seem to hate me." He shrugged and offered a smile.

"Oh please, they've adored you since the first time you met them."

"I am pretty adorable, aren't I?" He smirked at her as Hermione flicked some foam onto him. "Hey!"

"Yep, absolutely adorable." She burst out laughing.

"How about now?" Draco had scoops up a handful of bubbles and was poised to throw them at her.

"Draco Malfoy, don't you fucking dare."  She started to walked back, to hell if she was going to have to shower again.

"I thought you said I was adorable," he walked closer to her until her back was up against the wall and their bodies less than an inch apart. "Boop." Draco wiped some foam onto her nose and backed away when she tried to kick him.

"Draco! You git!" She cursed at him but still laughed with him.

"Here," she wiped it off her nose and stole a kiss, "I have something to show you." He grabbed her hand and brought her to her backyard.

"Draco, what are you -" she was speechless. Her backyard had been completely transformed. Fairy lights hung from trees around a small wooden table with two seats and in the table were two glasses of butterbeer - her favourite - and pumpkin pie. Not only that, but she could've sworn that there were small fireworks going off from each of the trees in her backyard. "Wow. It's beautiful. How did you - when did you even have time to set it up?!"

He only smirked and gestured her to sit down, "I know some people,"

"You know some people?" She raised an eyebrow as he placed a slice of pumpkin pie on her plate.

"Try it, you'll definitely like it."

She took a bite of pumpkin pie and slowly, memories floated back to her of her time at Hogwarts. It reminded her of her first ever Hogwarts' feast, a Halloween night a Hogwarts and indeed he was right. She did like it. "Oh my god. Is this from Hogwarts?"

"Yup," he said through a mouthful of pie.

"How on earth-?"

"Like I said, I know some people who know other people." He smiles innocently and took a sip of butterbeer.

"Draco, this better not be anything illegal."

"It's not. Remember Layla? My house-elf? I asked her to prepare this for you while we were having dinner and as for the pumpkin pie, Layla knows a couple of elves at the kitchen so I simply asked her to ask them a favour." He beamed at her and Hermione couldn't help but grin foolishly to herself. He did all of this for me, even with the fight and all, he still found the time to do this.

Hermione had already finished her pie when Draco was still going through his. "Thank you. Thank you for everything." She leaned over the table and pecked him on the cheek.

"That - that's fine." He fumbled with his fork before it dropped onto the plate with a clang. "Crap." The pie had spilt onto his pants.

"Do you need some help?" She got up to help him clean the mess.

"Don't worry about it." He waved his wand and the pie stain vanished from his pants. Is it just me or is he acting really weird today? "I want to take you out somewhere."

Bite me Granger: a dramione fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now