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[Draco's POV]

It had only been about two-ish weeks since they had gotten back to Hogwarts, and news - well, rumors - had gotten around the school that Hermione Granger snd Draco Malfoy were together.

Draco made it his duty to go around to anyone who might've known about them and interrogate them.

But none of them have cracked.

He sighed and ruffled his platinum hair, trying to comb out the tangled with his fingers. He sleepily waved his wand and the sheets tucked themselves into his bed.

Nott and Blaise were still sleeping, Blaise's snores, echoing around their shared room. Hermione had told - threatened - him that if he were to be late for even one, one class, then she'd never agree to be his girlfriend.

Can't believe I'm getting up this bloody early to get a girl.

He took a shower, got dressed in his school robes and headed out to meet Hermione. He walked down the stairs to the common room where the emerald flames cast huge shadows around the stone walls. He was about to head out when he saw a figure slumped in an armchair, facing away from him.

Whoever it was, they looked like they hadn't eaten in days. He hesitantly walked to the armchair.

"Hey, excuse me?" The figure's head was slumped down, her hair shielding her face from view. He gently shook her shoulders. Her head rolled up and a pair of worn out green eyes met his.


Her eye were sunken, deep into the eye socket. Her makeup looked like it hadn't been washed off, with trails of mascara running down her face and her eyeshadow smudged. She was skinnier then she had ever been, not like healthy skinny, but something that showed she hadn't been eating properly if at all.

"Draco?" Her bony fingers grasped his. They were frozen even though she's in front of a fireplace.

"What happened to you?"

"You. You did this to me, Draco." She avoided his eyes and stared straight into the fireplace, "Ever since you went after that mudblood I became paranoid. I did everything for you. Everything. But why can't you just love me back?"

The Pansy he had know was nowhere to be seen. This was someone different. "Because I don't love you. You can't let yourself become like this over some crush. Please, just go take a shower or something, you'll feel better."

Draco turned and left the common room. She was haunting him. Then he realised that it wasn't just a childhood crush. It was an obsession. He didn't know whether to try and help her or to leave her like that.

He walked to their table in the library, he had become quite fond of the library after spending so much time in it. The smell of the old books were kind of comforting.

"Morning," a beautiful girl with bushy brown hair looked up at him from her book, "I thought you stood me up,"

"Sorry," he said, taking a seat opposite her, "I got help up with a little something."

She raised an eyebrow at him, "And do you want to tell me about this little something?"

"Yehhhhh - no. You don't need to know about it."

She furrowed her eyebrows at him but continued on reading, handing him a parchment for them  to complete their potion's essay.

"It's not due until Thursday!"

"We'll be given more homework so just get it out of the way,"

"Fine, fine."

They worked in silence with the occasional groan from Draco.

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