Chapter 1

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Lilos POV

I hated to dream, dreams always show what the subconscious of a person is scared off. I did not need to relive my fears in my dreams for I have already lived them in the last 8 years I spent locked in my own room being used by him. There were many times when I wish that I were a vampire so I wouldn't have to deal with the dreams that my subconscious seems to force upon me every single night. I wish there was a way to escape this, I missed having a peaceful sleep, believe it or not, it's quite tiring.

"Lilo, you there​?" Cass, my boss, says as she snaps her fingers in front of me,

"You've been distracted today, did you sleep well?" she asked sounding worried, as if someone could worry about me,

"Yeah, I'm fine, just stayed up painting a bit late last night, sorry. I will be more attentive from now on," I say, it had been a few weeks since I was working in this coffee shop. It was a horror theme based one, which is what made me sign up for it. As a child, before my mother passed away, I would sit around on the weekends watching horror movies with my parents, which obviously made me get up many times in the middle of the night cause of the monsters, but my mum always knew how to comfort me and put me right back to sleep. How much I missed those times, when things were simple.

Hearing the door opening I glace up, to see none other than Cass' boyfriend and a group of guys walking in, looking at them, I noticed that they were the famous bikers everyone seemed to fear in this town, but Cass had told me that the stories on the streets were over-exaggerated and that they were not at all scary,

"Baby!" Cass squeals, as she rushes to hug him,

"What can I get for you today?" I said, as one of them with hazel brown eyes came up, those eyes seemed so warm and familiar,

"Just a monster and a slice of the slasher cake," He grumbled, I quickly rambled to get the slice and the monster from the fridge and handed it to him,

"How much?" He asked,

"DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT STITCH!" Cass growls at him, causing him to chuckle and extend his hand towards me, I was so shocked by this gesture that I just stayed in place motionless. He shook his head and grabbed my hand stuffing a ten pound note in my hand, and just like that he grabbed his things and walked away, but not before winking in my direction and making a shushing motion. As he walked away, I came back to reality and motioned Cass to come over, as she comes over she hands her hand out giving her the note she heads to the mysterious man who seemed to be named Stitch, and smacks the back of his head and gives him the note, he looked pver and shook his head. This had been a normal thing over the few weeks I had been working, Cass never accepted money from any of the bikers, I never really understood why but I didn't get involved.

The rest of the day passes by quickly and before I know it, it's already 6 o'clock and my shift had ended, I helped Cass clean up even though she said that she didn't need any help,

"Lilo, you know that you can talk to me any time you want right? I meaqn, if you have any problems or whatever you can count on me, or even Killjoy. Even though everyone is scared of them, they are really nice and they're job is to protect." Cass says as she locks up the coffee shop,

"I know everything isn't okay so don't even try saying it is. I'm just saying that if you need help the guys can help, cause I know what it's like to need help escaping from someone Lilo..."

"Thank you Cass, but everything is okay, I'm not escaping or running away from anything," I lied easily, my heart sunk at the lie because even though I haven't known Cass for a long time, I had started to get to know her, and I could she that she had gone through something.

Saving Lilo (FADED BONES MC) - Currently being re-writtenWhere stories live. Discover now