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"Well look he's finally back," Grayson exclaims right when I open the door to our office.

"Customer wasn't satisfied enough," I roll my eyes.

"I wanted to ask you something but you weren't answering your phone," he sighs.

"What's the question?"

"You know that girl you photographed?"

"Uhh yeah," I'm not liking the sound of this.

"You should.. you know, let me get her number," he smirks.

"Why?" I ask.

"And why are you salty?" He raises an eyebrow at me.

"I'm not," I deny.

"Okay, well what's her number? I'll edit the pictures you took and I'll deliver them to her."

I instantly remember the pictures I took of her when she was sucking me off.

"U-Uh no, I'll edit them," my heart began to race.

"Okay, just tell me when they're ready," he turns back to his work.

I walk to my desk and began to start editing the pictures I had taken. Well most of them.

"Aye bro, I asked for her number," I heard Grayson from the other room. I groan in frustration. He was being annoying.

"Before you get her number at least try to know her fucking name, dumbass!"

"Well shit my fucking bad, what's her name?"

"Her name is Mae, M-A-E," I spell out.

"Cute name," I hear him say. "And her number?"

I facepalm and groan again into my hand.

I write it down on a sticky note. Then I walk over to Grayson's room and slam the note in front of him on his desk.

"Drink some water for that salt. W-wait, you're married so I don't know why you give a fuck," he chuckles.

"I'm not salty about her," I sigh and begin to think about a lie.

"Well then, what the fuck is going on?"

"It's Anna, dude," I say. "We haven't.. you know.."

"Oh damn, why?"

"I don't know man, it's frustrating me," I go back to my desk.

"Well maybe you should talk things out with her!" he yells out.

"She's been busy with Lena," I say.

"There's this thing when she's not busy with Lena."

"I'll see what I can do."

I have been lying a lot.

"Hello, is this Mae?"

I quickly get on the phone. Our phones had the same lines so we could hear each other's calls.

"Yes, this is Mae. Who is this?"

"This is Grayson, Ethan's brother. He won't be able to deliver your pictures, so I will be delivering them to you when they are ready."

"O-Oh okay, well call me to let me know when they will be ready so that we can schedule when to meet up."

"Yes, for sure."

"Alright, bye Grayson."

"Bye Mae."

I hang up the phone slowly.

Mae is out of Grayson's league. She would never.

behind the camera ♧ edOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora