special image//matt Espinosa

Start from the beginning

The team 10 house????

"What are we doing here"I ask extremely confused

"We are not leaving untill you make up with your brother I dont want your brother to hate you because of me"

"They won't let me in"

"Kades letting you in"

"There not going to talk to me"

"Me,nathan,and kade are locking you in a room until you make up"

"How do you have this all planned"

"I have my ways"

"Alright"I huffed

"Let's go"he said opening the door

I got out with him and walked to the door where Kade was standing

"Hey kade"

"Hey y/n,hey Matt"

"Hey man"

They did that bro hug thing

"Where are Jake and Justin"Matt asked

"I told them I had a surprise and to wait in my room"


We walked in and went towards kades room

Nathan was standing there waiting by the door

"Is it here yet"Jake called through the door

"Almost just a few more minutes"nathan said

"Are you ready"Matt whispered


"Whatever your going i anyways"he whispered pushing me into the room

Jake and Justin looked up

"What are you doing here"Justin asked

"They forced me here"

"Who's they"Jake asked putting his phone down

"Nathan, Kade,and Matt"


"Matt said he didn't want to be the reason we weren't close anymore"

They both just stared as I gently rocked back and forth on my heals

"Y/n come over here"Jake said




I walked over and sat in between them

"What"I asked playing with my fingers

"Will you look at me"

I slowly looked up

"That better"I asked


Justin was looking at his phone again

Jake tapped my arm to get my attention,he pointed to his phone

It read, try talking to him or hugging him

I nodded and moved closer to Justin

I wrapped my arms around him and he stiffened

"Justin"I whispered

"What"he asked annoyed

"I'm sorry"

"For what"

"Being mean and ignoring you instead if trying to settle this sooner"

"I'm sorry to"

"For what"I asked confused

"Being a bad brother"he sighed

"Your not a bad brother"

"Yes I am I tried to control your life because of something that doesn't have to do with you"

"I get it you were sticking up for your friends but Matt didn't do anything or make any videos he just hangs out with them"

"I'm sorry"he said again turning to hug me

"Aww"Jake said

"Shut up"I said letting go

"Are we all good now...all of us"I said looking at Jake

"Yeah I was just mad I'm sorry"

"It's Gucci"

"I have Gucci on"Matt said through the door

"I know"I said laughing

"Can we come out now"Justin asked

"Are you made up and not going to attack any of us for doing this"Kade asked



Kade opened the door and I jumped on him

"Never trust me when I say sure"I smirked

"Noted now get off of me and go on a date"

"DATE"justin and Jake yelled

"3...2...1...MATT RUN"I screamed and ran down the stairs with matt,Jake and justin not far behind

I made it to the car and Matt came Soo after

Justin and Jake came to the car and kept tapping on the glass so I rolled my window down


"Come back after I wanna see my little sis"

"Got it now go away"

Me and Matt ended up going to the movies and watched IT because he wanted to watch it...me not so much

I had my head buried in his shoulder for like the whole movie which I dont think he minded

After the movie I was scared of every noise so Matt carried me out

"Thanks"I mumbled into his shirt

"No problem but I have a question"

"What's that"

"Will you y/n Roberts be my girlfriend"


He chuckled and kissed my cheek

I have my own personal dinosaur now

What the hell was that end sentence like what😂 anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and you should like really give me ideas so that I can write some cause i have none and will write any


TEAM 10 x LOGAN PAUL Imagines. (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now