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I got to Logan's and knocked on his door

"Hey y/n what are you doing here"

"Yeah um your brother and Anthony both like me and I'm trying to avoid them so can I hang with you for a while"


I walked in and Maverick flew into my shoulder

"Hey Maverick"

He squaked and flew off my shoulder

"So what do you want to do"he asked

"Can we see if George home"

"Sure let me get my camera"

Logan got his camera and we went over to George's


"calm your coconut looking head ass down"George said when he opened the door



"You tell me not to yell"Logan said

"Yeah but your not y/n"George said smirking

"I can be see look at my nails and my hair is on fleek today"he said in a girl voice

"No here's a better impression omg I'm y/n and I like dogs and stealing people food"George said in a girl voice

"Accurate but it's more like hi I'm y/n I want to me asleep right now or playing Xbox"I said

"Mines better"Logan said

"Nope mines better"

Logan and George handed me there cameras and started wrestling

George pinned Logan and won

"Haha mines better"George taunted

I started recording on my phone as they started to cat fight

George pulled Logan's hair

"You b****"Logan said in a girl voice

They finally stopped fighting and I was dying of laughter

Logan looked at George and nodded​ his head before they both ran after me. I hopped on the counter and they stood either side of me so I jumped into Georges back and he dropped me on the couch. Logan came over and threw me over his shoulder then grabbed his vlog camera and ran out.

"Hey I was having fun"I complained

"Well now we can have fun at Mark's"

"If your carrying me the whole way can I at least get on your back"


He put me down the I hopped into his back

"To day I don't have a light saver"

"Why"logan asked

"Because then I could hit you in the head and yell for Narnia like Jake did in his vine"

"I would have dropped you and ran"he said smirking

"Wow such a great friend"

"I know right"

Logan pulled out his vlog camera and told me to hold it. After he handed me it he started running and I almost fell off

"LOGAN"I yelled


"I almost fell"

"Well you have to get off anyway we're here"

I hopped off Logan's back and knocked on marks door. Kylie answered and hugged me

"Hey gurl what's up"

"Trying to avoid Jake and Anthony"

"Why"she asked closing the door

"Well you use what had happened was both and Anthony and Jake like me and yesterday they almost fought over me so I figured if I wasn't there they couldn't fight so I'm going to start hanging out with my friends more"

"Oh well you can come here any time"

"Thanks girl, what do you wanna do"

"We should go to the mall"


"Boys where leaving don't blow up the building"Kylie yelled

"We'll try not to"they yelled back

Timeskip to mall

We were walking around trying to find something to seeing as we had been at the mall for 2 hours

"We should just go to Starbucks"i said

"I agree"

We walked in and I ordered and vanilla latte and a cookie

We were talking when both of our phones started blowing up

You looked at on of the caption and it said Youtubers Jake Paul and Anthony Trujillo in a fight?
I clicked the notification and it brought me to a video of Jake and Anthony fighting

"Kylie I have to go I'm sorry"

"It's ok I understand"

"Thank you so much I'll text you later"

I got an Uber to the team 10 house and ran inside

"ERIKA"I yelled


I bolted up the stairs and saw Jake with a busted lip bleeding fists and a black eye

"Erika what happened"

"Anthony was telling chance something about you and jake heard and they started fighting"

"Where's anthony"

"In his room with Chad"

I walked to Anthonys room and he was worse then Jake

He had a busted lip a black eye his arms and hands were bloody and he was passed out


I ran to his bed and sat down. Chad looked up and stared at me

"Can you help me clean him up"he asked queitly

I nodded my head and went into my room. I came out with a first aid kit and a wet wash cloth

I helped Chad clean him up then I covered all his cuts

I put the cloth on his head and he slowly began to wake up so I walked back into Erikas room

Jake was sitting up now with his cuts covered and the blood off of him

"Y-y/n"he said looking up

"Hi jake"

"I'm sorry"

"For what Jake"

"For not being mature and getting in a fight over you"he said looking down

"Jake it's ok"

"No it's not I was fighting over you even though your not mine"

"Jake..I...uh.. I don't even know what to say"

"Then don't say anything just..kiss me"


"Kiss me once..just to see if there's anything there"

"Jake I..I"

I was cut off my a soft pair of lips on mine. I didn't pull away but I knew I should

He pulled away and had a small smile

"Y/n just know that I....

TEAM 10 x LOGAN PAUL Imagines. (DISCONTINUED)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ