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For the next few days we were taking pictures and videos where you couldn't see my face or hear my voice

In Tessa's vlog she called me into our room. I walked in and saw the camera so I pulled the strings on my hoodie and walked over to her. I put on a fake country accent and was talking to her about what we were doing today. Everyone in the comments thought I was a new member of the goattell or one of Tessa's old friends. It was actually pretty funny the comments were filled with geussing games and saying to go to certain parts in the video where you can see my tattoo. I think all the fans know but does Jake know.

Jake's POV

Y/n still hasnt come back and I miss her. The whole team does. Me and Anthony just had to fight over her and now she's gone.

My phone has been blowing up with comments on all my social medias with photos of someone's tattoo in Tessa's vlog. They were all the same except one. It had three pictures of y/n's tattoo in Tessa's and Erika's vlogs and stories plus there was one with her hoodie and phone on a bed. I immidaitly knew where she was and I booked a plane ticket.....

Your POV

All day long I've been being tagged in post showing my tattoos and my clothes and people tagging Jake in them. If he's smart he'll know where I am,but there's also anthony if he's been paying attention he could be coming to we'll see

Me, Baby T and Rick are at the beach behind our house messing around while there vlogging

They stopped vlogging and we were playing in the water

"Do think they know where I'm at yet"

"If they do it's probably only Jake because he's the one fans are tagging"baby t said

"Yeah and if he's smart he'll come looking for you"Rick added

"Well we'll see tomorrow"I shrugged

"You know what we should do"Rick asked


"Get best friend tattoos"

"I'm down" baby t said


"Alright let's go"

We all ran inside to change and then went to a little tattoo shop on the island

"What should we get"I asked

"Um how about these puzzle pieces" T said

"I like them plus I saw necklaces like that at the shop across the street"


We got set up to get the tattoos and this is what they looked like

We got set up to get the tattoos and this is what they looked like

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"These look amazing"

"I know right"rick said

We went to the shop across the street and got the necklace

We went to the shop across the street and got the necklace

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Next day

We woke up at 4:40 am from someone at the door

"Who the h*** is here this early"I groaned

"I don't know"Rick groaned back

"I'm not going to get that"I said as the knocking continued

"Ugh Ill get it"t said

Tessa's POV

I went and opened the door

"Jake"I whispered

"Hi Tessa"he whispered back

"So you got the clues"


"Come in but stay here"


I let him in and walked back to the room

"He wants to talk to all of us"

"Ugh who is it"y/n groaned

"I don't remember its like Drake or Greg"

They got up and followed me into the living room

I was in front with Rick behind me and y/n behind her

Your POV

T said the guy wanted to talk to all of us

I dragged myself out of bed and followed behind Rick

I heard her gasp and looked to see who it was

Jake was standing there with his bags

He ran to me and picked me up

"Hello to you too"I said smiling

"I got the clues"he whispered leaning his forehead against mine

"I see this"

"What do we do now that I'm here"

"Well you could ask me a question or you could be here for nothing"

"I have a feeling I know what the question is"

"And what's that"

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend"

T and Rick were jumping around behind us

"Yes"I said before kissing him

He pulled away and we stared into each other's eyes

"I love you y/n y/l/n"

"I love you to Jake Paul"

"I'm a proud parent"Erika said wiping fake tears

"Omg"I laughed

"We should get back to bed" T said

"Where am I sleeping"Jake asked

"The couch"Rick said


"I'll be in in a bit guys"I told them

I grabbed Jake some pillows and a blanket

"I love you so much y/n"

"I love you way more"

"Impossible"he whispered before kissing him

I have an amazing boyfriend

I finally ended it YAY!

Do you like long ones like this or shorter one. Tell me in the comments

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