Just a fan pt.2//Logan

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You ran out into the night with your keys but you were to upset to drive so you walked over to marks. Hopefully he wasn't as drunk.

You knock on the door and Kylie answers.

"Y/n what's wrong" she askes pulling you into the apartment

"L-logan slapped me and said I cheated on him with Jake and then c-called me a slut" you say crying into her shoulder

"Shh its going to be OK are you hurt"

You nod your head yes and show her your face

"OMG" she yells

Mark comes running down the stairs and almost face plants

"What wrong" mark asked out of breath

You show him your face

"Y/n what happened who did this"he asked

"L-logan" you say crying again

He gives you a hug

"Kylie can you get her a wash cloth" he asks

She nods her head and walks into the kitchen.

"I'm so sorry y/n this is my fault I shouldn't have let him drink so much"

"Its OK mark its not because of you he thinks I cheated on him with Jake but I was just setting up a surprise for our anniversary" you say putting you head in your hands

Kylie hands you a wash cloth and you slowly wipe the blood off your face.

"Y/n I think you need to rest and we can talk about this in the morning you can sleep in my bed" Kylie says

"Is that OK with you mark"

He nods his head

"Thank you guys so much" you say hugging them both

"No problem now let's go to bed"

Kylie shows you to her room and you fall asleep.

Next day

You wake up from your face hurting. You get up and walk into Kylie's bathroom.

Your cheek is all black and blue and your face is puffy

You gasp and walk out of Kylie's room with your hood up and your face down.

You knock on marks door

"Hey y/n what do you need" mark says

"Can you go over to logans and grab my makeup or take me to the store to buy some" you ask

"Uh I can't take you but maybe kylie can"

"Can you ask her"

He nods and goes to get kylie.

She comes out with her shoes and a jacket

Timeskip to after the store

"Thanks Kylie"

"Your welcome"

We were walking to Starbucks when you ran into someone

You looked up and saw Logan.

I ran behind Kylie and Logan looked confused

"Y/n what are you doing" he asks

"Just go Logan she doesn't want to see you again" Kylie says

"Why" he asks like he doesn't remember anything

"REALLY LOGAN REALLY YOUR GOING TO PRETEND TO NOT KNOW WHY" Kylie screams attracting peoples attention

"I don't know why Kylie just tell me" Logan says

You step out from behind Kylie and look up

"Y/n what happened" Logan says stepping closer to you

You back away and flinch

"You happened Logan"

You ran around Logan and pulled Kylie with you.

You could hear Logan chasing after you so you let go of Kylie and ran faster.

"Y/n please stop" Logan yells

"No go away" you yell back tears escaping your eyes

Logan catches up to you and picks you up

You scream and try hitting him


"tell me what's wrong"

"Your what's wrong you accused me of cheating and hit me then called me a slut"

Logans face went from curious to sad


He says putting you down

"You slapped me and called me a slut and then accused me of cheating on you with your brother when I was setting up a surprise for our anniversary"

Logan falls back and passes out


Kylie runs up to you

"What happened"

"I told him what he did and he passed out" you say crying

You pick up logans hand and pull out your phone calling 911


Your in the hospital waiting room with Kylie,Mark,Jake,and George

"Family of Logan Paul"

You and Jake run up to the doctor

"That's us" Jake says

"Alright Mr.Paul just passed out he will be fine he didn't hit his head so he can go home in a few minutes" the doctor says

"Thank you can we see him" you ask

"Of course room 211"

You run down the hall with Jake not far behind.

You find his room,He's hooked up to machines but he's awake

"Logan" you say running up and hugging him

He hugs you back and pulls you onto his lap

"I'm so sorry y/n I was drunk and I wasn't thinking can you please forgive me" he says crying

"It will take time but I will forgive you and I wasn't cheating on you I love you Logan I would never cheat on you" you say burning your head in his chest

"Thank you so much I love you too" he says pulling you closer

Logan gets released and you go home with him and he never hits you again and mark makes sure Logan doesn't drink to much

Hey guys its kenna I was thinking of making this as you never forgive Logan but then I was like nah that's to mean and I don't want my stories to have a sad ending unless its supposed to anyways guys

Write for you later


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