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A/n: do you guys like to chapters I write or do you just not request any

You were a vlogger with 4 million subscribers.

You had just moved out to LA into an apartment complex

As you were unpacking you heard someone screaming

You left it go but I happened day after day

Finally after a week you couldn't take it

"Ok guys so as you know I just moved into an apartment complex and my neighbor is really loud. I left it go for a week but now it's getting annoying do I'm going to see whats up"you say to your camera

You turn it off and walk over to your neighbors. You turn your camera back on and knock on the door

"Who the F***  is interrupting me while I'm vlogging"someone yells from outside

The door open and a tall blonde haired blue/greened eyed boy is standing there

He didn't have a shirt on so you could see his abs

He was cute but REALLY loud

Logan's POV

I was vlogging when someone knocked on the door

"Who the F*** is interrupting me while I'm vlogging"

I walked over and opened the door

A tall,y/h/c,y/e/c girl stood there

She was hot

"H-hi I'm l-logan"

"I'm y-y/n"

"Nice to uh meet you"

"You too"

She was staring at me as I was staring back at her

"So uh what's up"I asked

"Oh um I was wondering if you could uh keep it down"she said looking down

"Oh um yeah sorry I'm a vlogger"

"It's ok I vlog to I'm just not as loud"she said showing the camera in her hand


she laughed

Damn her laugh us even cute

"Uh thanks I guess"

"Did I say that out loud"

"Uh yeah"

"S-sorry"I said rubbing the back of my neck

"It's fine I think your cute to"she said


"Um I'm gonna go now"

"Wait can I have your number"

"Yeah sure"

I handed her my phone and she put her number in

"Bye"I said


I walked back inside

Your POV

1 month later

You and Logan had been hanging out a lot,his apartment was like you home  too

One day you were at logans and he suggested you went to the team 10 house. You agreed and went to the house

When you got there Logan was talking with Jake and you were in the living room talking with Erika

"Yeah there all crazy here sometime so wonder how I'm alive"Erika says

"Living next to Logan can be hell sometimes with all his screaming"

"You should see then when someone says Ohio"Erika says

Just then 2 boys came running down the steps

"Who said Ohio"one of them asked

"For the love of God Anthony do you have super hearing or something"Erika says

"Maybe"he says

"Who's this"the other asked

"Chance Anthony this is y/n"


"Hey hottie"Anthony says smirking

"Omg"Erika says

She pulls you away from the boys and you go talk in the kitchen but Anthony follows you

He come up to you and whispered

"You finna smash tonight come by later"

"Ew no"you say as you push him back

Logan came out of the garage with Jake right as you pushed him

"Oh god what did they do to you"Logan asked

"Nothing just being a guy"


"What"you ask

"I'll make you tell me later"


He walks away and you talk with Erika again

Time skip to driving back to the apartment

"Hey y/n what did Anthony say earlier"Logan asked

"First he said I was hot then said if I was finna smash you come by later"

"That prick"Logan growled

"Logan calm down it's fine I wouldn't ever go there without you or Erika"

"Ok good"

We made it to the apartment and Logan still seemed a little mad so I made him sit on the couch

I sat next to him with my legs over top of his

"Are you ok you still seem mad"

"No I'm not ok"

"What's wrong you can tell me"

"I like someone but I'm pretty sure they don't like me back"

"Well why don't you ask her on a date?"

"I'm to nervous"

"Then try it with me"

"Ok y/n will you go out with me"

"See Logan that wasn't so hard now go ask her"

"I just did"



"Are you serious"

"Yes now can you please answer my question"

"Yes Logan"

I sat on his lap and kissed him

I pulled back and he mumbled

"I've been wanting to do that since I met you"


I kissed him again then we laid down and watched Netflix all night

TEAM 10 x LOGAN PAUL Imagines. (DISCONTINUED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz