I am going to do what?

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So this is one of my first stories I hope you like it and will comment on it.

so that is her outfit for this chapter and her usual hunting clothes.So that is what she looks like, the mask is also the same but without the eyepatch and she was born a ghoul.

so now for the first chapter


3rd View

It was evening and the sun was already going down when Kaien Cross got a call from an unknown number.He looked a bit confused as to why someone would call at this time and who was calling him.he accepted the call and could hear someone panting as if they were running.    
"Hello?" he tried to get a response out of the person.Now he was getting nervous.He saw many things in his life but this was just bizarre, even for him.                                                          "Kaien! Is it you? Please tell me it's you! I am in trouble...They found my hideout.I just wanted....".   The voice was interrupted by a big crashing sound.He wasn't sure if he was just imagining it, the voice seemed so familiar but so cold."Saphyre is that you?What is going on please say something."For a long time there was no sound but then he could hear her voice. "Yes it..is......me.Kaien they found me.Please, I need somewhere to stay....somewhere where no one knows me or ghouls in general....I beg of you....I will do anything.You are like my father...please.....". It was impossible to hear the shaking of her voice and the tears that were about to burst out of her

"Saphyre tell me where you are I am coming right now and will get you.Just promise me not to die till then.Afterwards, we will talk about what to do with you...Okay? " Kaien was hoping to get a response, he was begging to god that nothing happens to her.She was like a daughter to him even though she wasn't human."I am in the 3rd ward in Tokyo.I am trying to get to the 11th ward so please meet me there somewhere.Mabey at the Highway so it would be easier to get me out of here."He was glad that she Sounds alright.
"Understood I will be going now....please stay safe okay?" Another crashing sound.He needs to go right now. "Kaien?....Thank you so much....I owe so much." The phone was cut off then.
Kaien went outside and saw that the sound was already down and the stars were out.It looked like a normal night but he hasn't had the time to look around.He started sprinting towards the Classrooms were the night class where having their classes right now.He stormed in and his eyes were searching for Kaname.While he was catching his breath the night class was looking at him wondering what caused his distress. "Headmaster is something wrong?Did something happen?"  Kaname asked.He was interested in what happened.He could smell fear and anger coming from him so it had to be serious if the always happy go lucky Cross would be in a state like that.Kaien took one last breath and looked so serious that the Vampires got uncomfortable under his stare. "Kaname I need to go right now to Tokyo something happened and I won't be here till morning.I want you to not let any day class students out and if possible protect this school if something happens.I don't really have the time to talk to Zero and Yuki.So if you could tell them what's going on i would be thankfull."
Kaname wasn't sure of what to make out of this information so he asked him "Headmaster what happened why do you need to go?“                                                              
Kaien looked at him and smiled "I cant tell you guys right now but time is running....If I don't make it....protect Yuki." He gave one last smile, then turned around and ran outside.Aido was the first one to say something.
"Guys what do you think happened.This is so bizarre...I think I never saw hin so serious.“                                                                       "Aido this is not for us to know right now.Even though I am very interested.Well, you heard him lets go outside and make sure everything is safe."Kaname heard some sighs but they still got up and went outside.He looked outside and didn't know what to make out of this situation.

A few Hours later....

Kaien reached the Highway with his car and hoped it wasn't too late.A few moments had passed when the car door opened and Saphyre got into the passenger seat.He examined her and saw no major wounds.He quickly stepped on the gas and drove down the highway. "Kaien, believe me, I am so thankful you are helping me.I know it will get you into trouble if anyone finds out so.." She was cut off because Kaien said "No need for worries.You are like my daughter and I love you very much.I couldn't help you with what happened with Jason so at least give me the chance to help you now without you feeling bad Okay?".She looked at him and had tears in her eyes."Arent, you worried that I will eat any of the students?How can you still be so trusting towards me." He looked into her Kakugan activated eyes and gave her a heartfelt smile."Don't worry everything will be okay.I promise you that.Now sleep you need it." She gave him one last look as she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Back at the Cross Academy

The vampires were waiting outside watching the sunrise little by little.Zero was not having it, standing here with the vampires while no one knows what is going on.Yuki was in the Sun dorms to explain that today would be a school free day.Suddenly the Vampires were focused on the car that was driving towards them.The smell that was coming from that car was an inhumane one.It didn't smell like human or vampire so everyone was tense and ready to fight. Then Cross came out and looked into the eyes of everyone and smiled."Now now and be so tense you will scare our guest so please step a little back okay?Don't just talk right now.It will scare her and we don't want that right?" Everyone relaxed a bit and stepped back a little bit.Kaien got to the passenger side and shook the girl a bit.She started moving and opened her silver-green eyes and looked around.She then got out of the car and could sense beings near her but didn't care about that.Saphyre needed to take her jacket off because it got uncomfortable.(Picture above) Aido and Akastuki had a good place to see her but because of that weird mask they didnt see her Face but her hair was beautifully snow white and the outfit she had on was just flattering.Both of them had a little blush on their face while watching her.Suddenly the smell of blood hit the vampires.The girl opened the mouth part of her mask and vomited blood before she fell into the Headmasters arms.They watched his reaction and were surprised to see him calm and collected."Oh dear if something was wrong you should have said that.Now everyone go into your dorms until I figure this out.


1225 Words yaaaaaaas gilr

I really hope you liked it.Please leave some comments.


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