'Naruto' almost jump out of her skin when she found out, but a battle between the two, Itachi can hold his own against Kurama with the help of his Sharingan, Kurama then used her chakra with Naruto using the Sage of the Six Path to forge Itachi's Magengkyo to Eternal Magenkyo. After that they bought their own house for themselves as well and married after 2 years of getting to know each other and had a two years old boy who acts like his father and got his looks and coloring but with Kurama's facial structures with her temper.

They were keeping a low profile for a while. Naruto disguise herself when she would go out, cannot risk if some ninja would recognize her from her 'Infamous Sexy Jutsu' by covering her whisker marks with makeup and wearing contact lenses to hide her cerulean blue eyes with the same shade as her mother's eyes and coloring her hair with orange as well.

Her father had his hair coloring the shade of orange like Yahiko's since he was pretty well known in the Elemental Nations. Kushina merely dyed her hair the shade of auburn and would cut it to her shoulder length if she would went out but you use 'Hair Growth Jutsu' to grow it back again.

Naruto finally finished picking up the fresh vegetables from her garden before entering back inside to find Kurama already leaving.

"See you tomorrow, brat. Itachi and Mamoru would be back in a few hours. Also I heard from the Mayor he called for you in his office after you're done with your chores" Kurama said, Naruto nodded as she set the basket in the counter

"I will" Naruto nodded as she waved goodbye to the pregnant Kyuubi.

'The others would really be laughing a storm when they hear about this. Specially Shukaku' Naruto smirked before heading in and washed the vegetables and putting them in the straw basket that has a white cloth on it as she put the other vegetable in her refrigerator.

Naruto took off her pink apron before fixing herself and put on her makeup and contact lenses before dying her hair, hair dye that would only be washed off by chakra. Naruto changed her clothes into a simply yellow sundress with orange and red flowers on it before slipping in a white doll shoes before grabbing her straw basket and head to the market to trade her vegetable with fish and meat. Naruto was greeted with smiles and 'hello's.

In the village she was known as Kazama Natsumi, a widow women who lost her fiancé 5 years ago and gave birth to a daughter who died a few minutes later, and also the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kazama Arashi and Kazama Kikyo, and Kurama was known as her cousin who married to Kazemaki Dai with their son, Mamoru. Naruto left her basket with one of the people she really trust and the first one they meet in the village, Momo-obaa chan, an old lady who sells vegetables in the market.

"Ah! Natsume chan! So good to see you again...running out of meat and fish I see" the old woman laughed whole heartedly, Naruto scratched the back of her head

"Y-yeah. Kura-chan had me cooking them and her eating them. I swear she eats all of my storage...well pregnant woman are such picky eaters so I can't blame her" Naruto shook her head as the old woman laughed

"Yeah, I know. But you will know how it would feel if you are pregnant as well" Momosaki joked making Naruto giggle

"I know but I am still waiting for 'The One'" Naruto joked as the old woman laugh

"Oh! I almost forgot, Momo baa chan. I am called to Mayor's office, he wants to see me for something. If I could um...leave my groceries here? I swear I will fetch it later!" Naruto said, the woman nodded

"Of course, dear. I'll take care of those. Run along now and please if you see my granddaughter tell her I need help in the store. Thank you" The old woman smiled, Naruto bowed and bid goodbye

Naruto walked calmly down the path without worrying much of her surroundings. Kushina had placed a seal on her as well as Kurama, Itachi, Minato and herself to hide their chakra reserve into Jonins and disguised it with someone else, Kushina used her parent's chakra signature on Itachi and Kurama while her granny Mito's chakra on Naruto to hide theirs while she used her uncle and his wife's chakra signature to disguise hers and Minato's. So the passing Hunter nin that were looking for 'Uzumaki Naruto' would not know it was actually her. Naruto arrived in front of the Mayor's door and raised her fist to knock.

"Come in" was heard as Naruto grasp the handle before twisting it and pushing it open gently

Naruto's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the 6 Shinobis inside the room other than her. Hatake Kakashi did not change much except this time both of his eyes is showing and he look older. Uchiha Sasuke was wearing the same Jonin uniform with his head band tied loosely around his neck and his katana strap behind him and black fingerless gloves with the Uchiha clan symbol on the right sleeve on his Jonin uniform. Haruno Sakura wears a Jonin uniform with her bubblegum pink hair is longer and in a messy yet stylish bun with her headband in her head serves as like a headband. And finally Sai, wearing a Jonin uniform. Team 7.

They stared at her with calculative gaze making her swallowed the lump on her throat before composing herself and bowed before standing up straight.

"Good afternoon, Konoha Shinobis, Mr Mayor. What do I owe you a pleasure?" Naruto asked as she closed the door

"Ah! Natsumi chan, this is the Konoha Shinobis that would be in the village for a while for an investigation, Village matters so it's classified" The Mayor began, Naruto raised a brow but nodded

"And since you used to be a Special Jonin in Ame, would it be okay for them to stay in your house while they're here? Most of our villagers are paranoid about Shinobi and anything that involves with them specially the war just ended years ago" the Mayor said, Naruto sighed but nodded

"Of course it would be alright but....how long are they going to stay?" Naruto asked

"We promise it won't be long. We would finish our mission as soon as possible so we could not hinder of you and your husband's privacy" Sakura assured.

Naruto then put her act together, and let out her fake tears of sadness and look away. Naruto should be given some credits on having 'The Best Actress Awards' Naruto is expert when it comes to mask so she was easily pulling it off like she always does for most of her life, no one saw through it. Sakura panicked when tears fell from 'Natsumi's eyes

"Er...her fiancé disappeared years ago with no trace left behind which she believe...he died, and she was giving birth at that time. Her child was already dead when she gave birth to her. It's a sore subject to her...mentioning her family" The Mayor said sadly as Naruto 'cried' harder

"I-I'm really sorry, Natsumi san! I did not know!" Sakura exclaimed as she tried to comfort Naruto who flinched away as she turned back before wiping the tears from her eyes and composed herself despite the red eyes and walk out of the room to the bathroom to fix herself up and reapplied the make up

Team 7 stood there awkwardly as the women left to take care of her 'Emotional Breakdown'. The Mayor shifted uncomfortably from his seat until Naruto entered again but more quietly this time.

"Ah Ms Kazama. I apologies for not informing them about your....love life *que looking away* ah! So your should be going now, it's getting dark and your house is quite far from the village" the Mayor cough awkwardly

"H-Hai. Please....follow me" Naruto muttered as she left through the door and could hear them following her.

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