Burnt Match

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He compared me to a match that never burnt out,

One that knew her place in the world.

A girl who wasn't afraid to voice her opinion

No matter how harsh the subject was.

But little did he know,

That when he left

The match burnt out

And she was left with no light.

Oh, we were a perfect match!

Maybe that's why we burnt out in the end.

He was the water and I was the fire,

Two opposites that attracted.

I trusted him to never put me out,

I trusted him to hold me and never let go.

And to this day,

No one has wanted to relight the thin piece of wood,

That was once lit

And fully intact. 

This was a short poem, but I believe that poems aren't about length...It's about the story.

I have been busy with school...which I can proudly say I have a 4.875 GPA. (I'm trying not to flaunt this but when I found that out I started crying I was so proud of myself.)

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