Teenage Love

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There was a boy and a girl,

From two separate worlds.

The boy loved to smoke, drink, and do drugs with his friends,

While the girl liked to bundle up and read novels with adventures that had no end.

The girl was naive, while the boy was experienced.

But somehow their universes aligned,

And their hearts began to connect

And she blossomed a new friend.

Soon the boy quite all of his devilish ways,

And the girl still remained who she was.

He began to follow the laws,

Which made her happy since she knew

That he did it just so he can spend time with her

Rather than him in jail wishing he knew right from wrong.

The girl felt a tug,

And she instantly knew what it was.

For she read so many books

That explained what love was.

Yet she still was in denial,

Because she didn't want it to be true.

For she began to love the bad boy,

But little did she know

The bad boy was about to love her too.

The young man began to daydream about her all day long,

Instead of drinking and smoking at night

He was in his room with his guitar writing a song.

He finally got enough courage to sing it to her,

And her face couldn't have been more pure.

He confessed his love to her,

In which she wanted to kiss him right then and there

But something stopped her

As he noticed her hesitation.

His face fell slowly,

But her eyes went back to his and glistened.

She took his face in her hands, 

And praised him for such a good job he had done.

Then she slowly moved forward,

And soon her soft lips were gently moving against his daring ones.

And that's when she knew,

That their love was so pure,

That they would be together forever and

As cliche as it was, 

She knew that their lives were finite

And their souls were infinite.

This is one of my older poems that I have wrote. It is a lot longer too so I hope you all enjoyed it :)


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