Depressed,starving,dying whales

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Hello 👋🏻
The picture above is the puppy my mother and I have recently adopted. His name is zeke and he is blind
12/10 fluffiness

I spent hours slaving over the car. With only candy breaks.

I stepped back and smiled at my work. This is most likely one of the best works of mine.

Deciding it's time to return the masterpiece I say goodbye to Jen.

All I get in reply is a shake of her head. I'll take it.

I hop on and the door sings a happy tune. What a time to be alive.

I pull out of the driveway and speed towards my house.

They are bound to realize that I left with a car. A car that isn't mine. Ryder's car.

If they haven't I'll be surprised.

My brother tends to be slightly more oblivious so if he didn't notice that's not surprising. While for Ryder from what I've noticed is that he tends to notice a little bit more than my brother. Not a lot, but a little bit.

Soon my house come into view and I park the vehicle.

I obnoxiously honk the car multiple times before stepping out. The front door opens before I see two pairs of eyes widening.

"What the hell did you do!"

I grab the bag of sour candy and continue to eat the sugary goodness. I shouldn't be trusted. At all.

They run down the porch so they are right in front of the car that has paint, pictures, sticky notes and is drenched in glitter.

Good luck with the glitter. That stuff is impossible to remove.

"Surprise?" I slightly say. That was supposed to come out a lot more strong.

Ryder is soon opening the doors and the trunk to see all the damage.

I giggle at the sound of spongebob laughing when he opens the door. You gotta love cards that make noise when opened.

He continues to search the car while shrieking about what I've done, he should have expected something.

I mean I'm sure he saw my brothers reaction when he saw me surrounded by candy.

Although I don't know anyone who has stollen a guys car and decorated it. The closest thing was an old friend who accidentally keyed her exes car after he cheated.

"Where did you even get these pictures?" He says holding one up from when he was  younger and was definitely in the 'emo' stage of life.

No matter what anybody says, we all go through the emo phase. Everybody.

"Also what is with you and glitter? Why would you even do this?"

I innocently look at my brother who looks away at pretends not to notice me. What a wuss.

I toss the keys to Ryder before going into the house. I can still hear the shouts from the boy in our driveway.

I kick off my shoes and Sprint up the stairs on all fours like an animal, like a boss.

I step into my room that had taken place in a war. A war of clothes, candy and anything else that could have happened.

I trudge a path from the door to my bed and push some of the stuff away from where I want to sit.

I call Jen. After a few rings she answers.

"I swear I had no idea what she was going to do. I had nothing to do with it!" She practically shouts into the phone.

I snort before replying "Jen. It's me, Lizzie."

"Wait, you survived. You are alive? Wow." I can hear the astonishment laced with every word.

I continue talking about what happened and lamely end it with a 'yeah'.

"Remind me not to ever give you any candy. Or any ideas. You no what I just won't give you anything." She says, I can picture her nodding her head.

We chat for a bit longer before I hang up and head back downstairs.

I hop from the second last step and then skip into the living room. I go to dive into the couch but stop when I see the two boys sitting on it. Great.


"What is wrong with you? No I'm being serious, why would you do that."

I sit previously where Ryder was watching what I have caused. I brought up old stories about what Jake has done.

Ryder turns to me "I'm going to put what you did to berth at behind me, but only so I can get you to answer if he actually did that."

I take a deep breath before saying a yes.

My brother continues to glare a hole into the side of my head.

"So you are telling me, that he," he wildly points at my brother. "Got so nervous on a double date, that he crapped his pants in the booth?"

I nod.

"How. Just how." He says to my brother.

"In my defence I was younger."

"You were 14!" I shout.


I walk into the school and open my locker.

"You're wearing porn!" Jen shouts as she steps beside me.


"You're wearing porn." She says as she points her finger at my low cut top.

"Oh well at least I don't act like I'm in one." And with that I slam my locker and walk into first block classroom.

I hear a dramatic gasp and the racing footsteps of Jen.

I swivel around to come face to face with Jen. We both try to hold serious expressions.

I fail first and then she follows. We both stand in the door way, our giggles earning us odd looks.

I place my books on my desk before sitting down just as the bell rings. A substitute walks through the door before telling us to do our choice reading.

I pull out my book and start reading.

The room is silent and I steal a glance at the substitute to see her scrolling through Facebook.

I turn back down to my book when I feel it. My eyes widen as I try to think of a way to fix it.

I cross my legs and slump my body down, successfully digging my knee into my stomach. It doesn't work.

I look around the silent room trying to think of something.

The feeling continues to happen in my stomach. I fiddle around trying to fix the issue that is bound to happen at any moment.

Within seconds my stomach releases the sound of a dying whale. Scratch that. A depressed, staving, dying whale.

Soon after the sounds a few students look over or snicker. It's times like this I'm glad for my long hair curtaining my face.
*shuffles awkwardly forward*
Hey I'm sorry for the lack of updates

I've had really bad writers block and just got the slightest bi of inspiration to finish this chapter that sat almost finished.
As always comment and vote

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