Oh no

528 20 6

I've got nothing to say.

"Why did you tell me I was going to die!"

"You were drunk and easy to trick." I state calmly.

He only now decided to confront me about my actions at his party. What an amazing memory he has. Sarcasm.

"I freaked out! People aren't going to like me anymore! Did you know someone got the entire thing on camera?" He shouts.

I put my hot chocolate down and look at him. "Well I didn't before. They are very lucky to have that video." I sigh." I wish I had it." I mumble dejectedly.

"No, you don't need that video. Only God knows what you would do."

I open my mouth to reply but don't when he continues.

"Actually he doesn't know what you'd do and for some reason I don't even think you don't even know what you do." He takes a deep breath and sits on the floor.

I blink once.

Then twice.

"Well you aren't wrong." I state while picking up my got chocolate again.

After a few minutes of silence he gets up looks at me and walks out of the living room.

"By the way could you get that guy to send me the video of your party melt down." I yell.

All I get in reply is a loud groan.

"Hey sis I- oh no."

With the sound of my door opening I slowly lower the giant pixie stick.

I was sitting on my bed and indulging myself to every sugary treat known to man. Well to the Canadian man anyways.

"What." I say, feigning innocence.

I knew what he was afraid of. He could see all the candy wrappers that were surrounding me. I was sugar high.

Even though I'm usually unpredictable when I'm on a sugar high in sill unpredictable. Just slightly more in a barbaric way.

Jakes eyes widened in horror as I dumped another quarter of the super sized pixie stick into my mouth.

"Hey man what's taking so long?" Ryder had ran into my room and looked confused.

I slowly swallow the pure sugar and stand up.

I shake off the colourful powder and give Jake a hug.

"Despite how ugly you are I tolerate you." I sigh.

"I would take offence to that but I am severely nervous in this moment so yeah, you too." He said, awkwardly patting my back.

I released him from my hug and hugged Ryder. He stiffened at my hug. Wimp.

I wrapped my arms around him and slyly grabbed his keys from his pocket. Today will be fun.

"Despite how we first met, I can tolerate you too."

He coughs before replying "excuse me? You stole my candy. I should be saying that to you."

I let go of him and put my hands in my back pocket. "Hush small child. You are speaking to someone who is way more superior then you."

Ryder looks at my brother, clearly not used to my shenanigans.

Jake shrugged and walked out of the room while waving behind his back.

Ryder immediately following.

A wide Cheshire grin appeared on my face.

I grabbed my bag and tossed it over my shoulder and walked out of the house towards the car. It wasn't anything fancy or disgusting but it could use a makeover.

I hopped into the drivers seat and reversed out of the driveway.

Off to Walmart it is.

Within an hour I am successfully parked in the parking lot of the packed and busy Walmart.

I grab a cart and enter the building.

"Good afternoon ma'am. How are you?"

It was the person always sitting at the entrance who had spoken. All I did was give the most awkward smile while nodding.

"Oh! I'm good how are you." I sheepishly answer.

"I'm fine."

I continue on into the store.

Office supplies. That's the isle I need. Within a few minutes (or hours, you can't tell time when in Walmart) I find the isle and look for the sticky notes.

I grab a package and then toss it in. After I shake my head to myself I grab every package of sticky notes in sight.

I walk out of the isle when a man in a suit walks past me with his phone pressed to his ear.

"Yes mum I'm getting you the sticky notes. What? You can't just buy a single  one they come in a package."

I slightly giggle at the mans conversation and walk to the paint area. I collect hot pink paint and then continue to grab everything I need.

I walk towards the checkout and grab another bag of skittles...just in case.

As the lady scans all the items I call Jen to see if I could borrow her driveway for a bit.

"Hey Lizzie what's up?"

"Could I use your driveway please?" I ask. The lady continues to scan sticky notes while giving me odd looks.

"Uh sure?"

I give my thanks to her and hang up. This is going to be fun. Or annoying. Most likely most.


I pull into Jens driveway and remove all the bags from the backseat. I honk the horn and start my work.

I take out my list of items to see where I should start and what I should do.

Items I bought
- paint
-sticky notes
-embarrassing pictures of Ryder
- cards that Make noise
-paint remover

Deciding that paint is the best to start with I grab my brush and open the can of hot pink.

Within a few minutes the hood of the vehicle says 'I love my little pony'.

Adding a few artistic touches I move on and cover the entire thing in sticky notes.

I smile deviously as I hear the front door open. I look over at the door to see Jen.

"Nope." Is all she says before closing the door.

I actually don't blame her. I'm in her drive way with someone's car. I was also doing God knows what.

Hello readers.

I've finally decided to actually update. The reason is that I've been busy with school work and I've got some exams coming up(wow I'm starting to sound like an actual watt pad writer).

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Don't be silent

I stole the pranksters skittlesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant