Snowflake's Dream

Start from the beginning

"Elsa," he said again.

He leaned down closer to my lips. Then softly and gently his lips tou-


My eyes popped open as Anna jumped up on my bed.

"Come on, Elsa. I want to go ice skating."

I looked at her with scolding eyes, "Anna, is that anyway to wake up your sister! You almost gave me a damn heart attack!"

"Sorry Elsa. Forgive me," she said throwing her arms around my shoulders. I gave her a smile, placing my hands on her arms.

"Alright, you're forgiven. Now, what is this about ice skating?"

"Oh, me and Hans want to go ice skating."

I made a sour face when I heard "Hans" name. "So why do you need me?" I said getting up out of the bed, starting to get ready for the day.

"I know how much you love ice skating. So I thought..."

I turned around and looked at her, she was looking down to the floor. On her face there was a glimpse of pain, I sighed. I walked over to her and I sat down in front of her on the bed grabbing both of her hands in my own. She looked up at me and I smiled.

"I would love to go ice skating with you and......Hans."

"Really?" She said her face lighting up in excitement. I gave her a nod as I smiled.

"Oh thank you, Elsa," She said throwing her arms around me.

I gave out a little giggle as she hugged me, "Now go get ready," I told her and she gave me a nod. I watched as she walked out of my room with a little hop in her step, I shook my head at her as she walked out the door. I got up from the bed and began to get ready to go ice skating with Anna.

Yesterday morning, I woke up thinking that what I woken up to, wasn't reality. I was shocked to see my mother and father, Anna was dating Hans! It all felt like I was going to wake up any minute and this would be gone. But I guess I was wrong, I guess this was reality, I looked at my arm and I pinched myself.


Yep, same old reality, but if this is reality......then why do I feel like it's not. Yesterday I thought Anna was dating another man, I thought I had ice powers for heaven sakes! And the worst part of it didn't feel like my mother and father shouldn't be here, it felt like they shouldn't be alive! But that's crazy right? Because they're here, they're not dead, so this has to be reality......right? And what about these strange names I keep trying to remember, but then forget the next second? Who is this boy that haunts my dreams or my thoughts, the way he says my name, feels and sounds all too familiar.

"Elsa, come on, hurry up," Anna said as Hans lift her off the ice, doing a dance move.

"I'll be there in a minute, just be patient," I said as I sat down in the snow about to put my ice skates on.

I was wearing a blue turtle neck that became small skirt made in the same fabric. The neck and sleeves were light blue with sparkles, the rest of the shirt/skirt was dark blue. I was wearing black leggings under the shirt/skirt, my hair was back in it's usual braid. Before I put my skates on, a chill went down my spine, then I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I whipped my head behind me, looking at the woods. My breath stopped as my eyes scanned the woods covered in snow. It was quiet, too quiet, I was about to turn my head around wanting to shake off the strange feeling when I saw something move.

My heart stopped as I saw the body of a boy leaning up against a tree surrounded by bushes. His hands were in his pocket, my heart pounded as I saw how familiar the boy looked to me. Like I have seen him before, the way he stood, the way he looked, the way his eyes looked into my soul with those vibrant eyes of his. Everything about him made my heart pound and weak in the knees. He looked at me with a hint of hope in his eyes, I don't know why but I wanted to ran to him, but my feet wouldn't let me move. My lower lip began to tremble, wanting to say his name, he gave me a smile, a smile that I knew all to well.

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