~ Chapter 28 ~

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~ Riley's POV ~

We were all drunk out of our minds except for Punk, obviously. So he was taking us all back to the hotel, Roman and Seth had already been dropped off at their rooms and Dean and I were just now getting to our room. I gave Dean a smirk before turning to Punk and Aj "This isn't a PG show anymore Punk." I slurred waving my hand in the direction of the door, he rolled his eyes and walked out with Aj. "It's not a show either" Dean added grabbing me by my waist pulling me into him. "You have no idea how badly I want you right now" I growled softly then nibbled on his ear ever so lightly.

~ The Next Morning ~

I woke up with a killer headache. I rolled myself out of bed and ran straight into the bathroom. Nothing like throwing up first thing in the morning. After I had finished I went to the kitchen and grabbed two glasses of water, then walked back to the bedroom. Dean was still sound asleep. He looks so adorable when he's asleep.  I downed my water and set the glass on the nightstand. I slid out of my pajama shorts and slipped on a pair of leggings, along with a black t-shirt that had the words 'anti you' in red cursive  writing across my chest. "Morning" Dean murmured stirring out of bed. Why is it that after I have a night of drinking,  in the morning I have to run straight to the bathroom and puke my guts out and he doesn't even get a headache? I don't think I'm a light weight but ok. He got dressed and we headed out to the hotel cafe.

After we finished our breakfast we made our way to the gym. Dean started on the treadmill whilst I start with some basic pushups, sit ups, and crunches. I swear I did enough sit ups and crunches for fifty people, my stomach muscles were killing me. Around twenty more of each I worked my way over to the weights. "Damn girl, the way you're squatting like that is going to kill Dean" A voice said coming up beside me. "I'm pretty sure he can handle it Aj" I chuckled, setting the barbell on the stand. "I don't know he's been eyeing you up for about five minutes now" Aj smirked, I rolled my eyes "He'll just have to deal with it then" I said making my voice loud enough for him to hear. Dean made a sarcastic hurt look on his face with his hand on his chest.

~ Smackdown Live ~

Charlotte was in the ring going on and on about how she never lost the championship and that it was a fluke win. "Riley has no idea what's goin-" "Charlotte... up here honey." I smirked resting the championship on my shoulder then looked at Charlotte. "Please go on about how I had a fluke win and shouldn't be the champion." I prodded. Charlotte glared up at the screen "You didn't pin me last week! Roll the tape!" She shouted the screen now had myself and the footage of last nights match. "There! Right there, you see my shoulder was up before the count of three! You didn't win that match!" She shouted again. "If I didn't win, then why do I have this?" I asked gesturing to the title with a smirk playing on my lips.

"Because you-"  "Ladies, ladies please calm down. Charlotte I know you're upset so you'll get your rematch tonight." Shane said stepping out onto the stage. "But don't worry Riley there will be something in this match for you." He continued I raised an eyebrow, he took that as a sign to go on. "This match will be a Falls Count Anywhere match." I nodded in approval, "But one more thing, if anyone interferes with this match they will be suspended." And with that Shane turned and walked back through the curtain. Charlotte was throwing a hissy fit in the ring so I decided to just cut off my camera.

~ Dean Ambrose vs Randy Orton ~

"1! 2!" Dean had just kicked out in time, I gripped onto the cushions of the couch as I watch the match with Roman and Seth. "Come on man!" Seth cheered him on like he could hear him through the TV. "Dirty Deeds!" Roman and I said at the same time as Dean went for the cover "1! 2! 3!" The Ref counted and signaled for the bell. Lillian announced him as the winner and was handed what was now his, the World Heavy Weight Championship. I jumped up from the couch and bolted down to the gorilla. As soon as he pasted through the curtain I jumped on him giving him the biggest hug and kiss I think I have ever gave him.  "I'm so proud of you!" I squealed hopping down off of him. Roman and Seth congratulated him and we all made our way back to the locker room.

~ The Middle Of Riley VS Charlotte ~

We were both tired and worn out from the hell we've put each other through already. We were no longer in the ring, we had made our way into the crowd. Charlotte was a little dazed, which bought me some time to climb the stairs and perch myself on the railing. I knew Dean would give me an ear full of how dangerous and reckless this was bout I couldn't care less at the moment. Charlotte finally made it to her feet, she turned around to see my launch myself from the railing and hit her with a Moonsault that pushed us both throw a barrier. She was out cold, I signaled for the Ref to start counting. "1! 2! 3!" the Ref's hand slapped the concrete floor and rang the bell. "And still the WWE Women's Champion... RrrrrrrIIIIleyyyyy" Lillian announced and the fans went insane with cheers. I raised my arms and made an 'X' with them and made my way through the fans and into the back.

As soon as I walked through the curtain I was ambushed. Dana Brook and Alicia Fox had attacked me from out of now where. The beat down accrued for a few minutes until Referees and some other divas pulled them away from me. I was no laid out on the cement floor with Referees and medics around me. I saw Dean, Seth and Roman quickly making their way over to me. "Riley can you hear me?" A medic asked, I nodded. But as soon as I did, my vision became blurry, then shortly after went black.


Let me know what you guys though of this chapter!

I'm really sorry for not updating as often!!


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