~ Chapter 6 ~

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Riley's ring outfit is in the picture above 😊

~ Riley's POV ~

"Finally!" I said excitedly as I got up from the Trainer's table and walked out the door. I had a huge smile on my face, I turned the corner and saw Aj sitting on a crate waiting for her match to start. "Aj!" I squealed in excitement. She looked up and smiled. "Wow! You're actually walking by yourself!" Aj joked. "Oh shut up." I chuckled. "Guess what." I said sitting down beside Aj. "Hmmm... You and Dea-" She started, "I know what you're going to say, and NO we did not!" we laughed. "Ok, ok, what?" she chuckled, I took a deep breath. "I'm cleared for all in ring activities!" I said smiling ear to ear. "That's awesome! Now you can get those brats back for what they did to you a few weeks back." she said hugging me.

 ~ A Little Later ~

" Ms. Brookes. " I heard a voice behind me. I knew exactly who it was. Stephanie. I turned around and smiled. "I heard you have been cleared by our medical staff for all in ring activities, Is this true?" she asked. "Yes ma'am." I answered a little excited. "Well that's great then. We have a match scheduled between Aj Lee and Paige. But unfortunately Paige couldn't make to Raw tonight."She paused and smiled at me. "Would you like to take Paige's place in this match?" She asked. I was shocked she asked me to be in a match, my eyes widened and I nodded with excitement. "Yes I would like to be in the match! This is awesome! Thank you Stephanie!" I said and gave her a quick hug. "You're welcome Riley." She paused "Now go get ready for your match, it's up next." I nodded and turned to go down the hall when Stephanie said something else. "Aj doesn't know Paige isn't going to be here yet. We'll tell her that she's going to have to face a mystery person."

I started to walk over to the gorilla as Aj's music blasted through the arena. I took a deep breath, rolled my shoulders, and started jumping back and forth (Like Brock) waiting for my music it hit. 

~ Aj's POV ~

I was in the ring waiting for Paige, I leaned against the ropes staring at the top of the ramp waiting for her music to start. But her music never played, instead Stephanie McMahon's music hit and she walked out with a mic. "I'm sorry Aj, But you will not be facing Paige tonight." she paused and the crowd booed. "Instead you'll be facing a superstar that has just made it from NXT...... RrrrIiiileeyyyy!" she smirked and Riley's music blasted through the speakers. The fans went CRAZY!

I glared at Stephanie. She knew I wanted to face Paige tonight for the number one contender ship for the women's championship. But i was happy that Riley got to make debut. She entered the ring and smiled at me. We waited for the ref to ring the bell, once it went off we locked up.

A Few Minutes Later ~ Riley's POV ~

Aj was giving me elbows, the ref backed her up and she went to the other side of the ring and started to run at me trying to give me a spear. I quickly moved out of the way causing her  to hit her shoulder on the ring post. Out of breath I walked over and pulled her to the center of the ring, and put her in the Crossface Chicken Win that Dean showed me. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around her waist, locking it in. "Tap!" I yelled as Aj was trying to get to the bottom rope. I squeezed my legs and pulled her arm back tighter. "Tap Aj!" I screamed again. After a few minutes she finally gave in and tapped out.

I released my grip on her and stood up. "Here is your winner by submission, RiiiIIiilleeey!" Lillian announced as the ref raised my hand. I was holding my left side from the kicks she had given me during the match, and walked over to Aj and held my hand out. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up, hugged her and raised her hand. "Thank you." I mouthed as I got out of the ring to head up the ramp.

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