~Chapter 2~

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~ Dean's POV ~

"You're cheating!" Seth shouted said trowing his cards on the table. "I am not." I smirked back at him. "Yes you are!" "Am not" "Are too!" " Am not!" We argued back and forth until we heard the door open.

We saw Roman standing with a girl's arm around his shoulder for support, she had a busted lip, bloody nose and a cut on her forehead. Seth stood up to grab the door, while I grabbed their bags.

"Thanks guys" Roman said. Seth and I looked at him then the girl and back to him. "Oh gees. Sorry guys this is Riley Brooks..." He pause looking back at us. "She was attacked by Alicia Fox, Charlotte and Natalya back by catering." He told us.

"Well damn.... What did you say or do to them for them to do this to you?" Seth asked "Well... I... Umm... Uhh..." She stuttered trying to explain what happened. "You don't have to answer him right now Riley..." Roman said looking at Seth. She nodded.

"Here, take this." I said handing her a clean shirt. Roman raised his eyebrow at me. "Wh-" I cut him off, "Do you not see the blood all over her shirt?" I said chuckling a bit. Roman shook his head letting out a small laugh. "Here Riley let's get you to the bathroom so you can clean yourself up." Roman said helping her walk to the bathroom.

"What the hell Roman!? Seth started to say until Roman stopped him from saying anything else. "Don't what the hell me Seth. You would have done the same thing if you saw her getting the hell beat out of her!" Roman said in a stern tone. "Yes I would have helped her but i wouldn't have brought her back here! You know that only couples are allowed to be in the same locker room as the other gender. What happens if Hunter does a surprise visit? Or if another Superstar sees her coming out of our locker room? Then what Roman!?" Seth said a little annoyed.

"Then we'll tell who ever stops by or sees her walking out of our locker room what happened to her Seth. We aren't going to do anything to her. We are simply helping her out." I said looking a Seth and Roman.

~ Riley's POV ~

I sighed as I cleaned out the cut on my forehead. "Damn it Riley! Why did you open your mouth?! It your first day here and your already causing problems!" I thought to myself while looking in the mirror. I took off my blood stained T-Shirt, then I grabbed the shirt I was handed and put it on. I looked at what was written on the shirt. "Dean Unstable Ambrose" was on it in blue and grey.

I looked at my busted lip and sighed as I turned on the cold water and put a wash cloth in the water. Once the cloth was cold enough I squeezed it making the water pour into the sink. I closed my eyes and placed the cold cloth on my lip to help keep the swelling down. The cloth lost the coldness to it and I put it in the hamper. I pulled my pant leg up to look at my knee. There was already a bruise forming where it was bashed into the floor. I grabbed my bag and got my ACE bandage and wrapped it a little tight, I moaned in pain while I was finishing the wrap.

"You ok Riley?" I heard a voice say. "Y-yeah I'm fine I'll be out in a sec." I said trying to sound positive. Which was hard considering that I was crying a little bit because of the pain in my knee. "Ok, let me know if you need help." The same voice said. I heard their footsteps walk away. I sighed and took off my jeans, and put on my shorts that were in my bag. Then I pulled up my hair in a messy ponytail. I really didn't care what I looked like at the moment.

I limped over to the door and opened it. I didn't see Roman or the other Superstar with half of his hair dyed blonde. I looked around and didn't see anyone. I grunted in pain trying to walk to the couch that was in the room, but my knee wasn't able to support my body weight and it gave out. I fell landing on my side right side. I was angry at myself for not being able to stand up. "Come on!" I said a little louder than I had meant to. I pounded my fist against the floor getting more frustrated at the fact that I couldn't make myself get up. A few tears started to role down my cheeks, I tried to get up again but of course my knee gave out again causing me to fall to the floor again. "Damn it!!" I shouted, as soon as those words came out of my mouth I heard the locker room door shut. I didn't even bother to look up to see who it was.

"Hey are you ok?!" I heard a male voice say coming closer to me. I shook my head and pounded my fist on the floor again. Now I really had tears rolling down my cheeks. "No, I'm not ok." My voice cracked. "I tried to walk to the couch but my knee gave out and I fell." I said trying not to sound like I was crying. Yeah that worked out real well. "I tried to get back up but my knee gave out again... I'm not having the best first day of my dream job." Before I could say anything else I felt myself being lifted up. I looked up and saw the guy who handed me the shirt I'm wearing.

"I guess I should tell you my name huh?" he smiled and I nodded as he placed me on the couch. "Well..." he sighed. "My name is Dean Ambrose."

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