Brendan and Lydia Part 12

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Six Months Later

"Son, are you nervous?" Darren asked his future son-in-law. Brendan's father stood beside him bearing a proud grin. This was the day both families were waiting for over almost three decades.

"Yes sir, but I know this was meant to be." Brendan answered honestly.

Chuck smiled. "Just love her and take care of her son. That's all I ask. Now, I have to go. You get on up there son, your bride is on her way."

Brendan stood and shook his hand. His father patted him on the shoulder. Leaning in he hugged his dad. "I love you, son. Be happy." He whispered.

Soon, his two best men entered, "Brendan, come on, let's get you up there." Spencer ordered. Frank stood with him nodding.

Brendan moved to the front of St. Martin and made his way to the altar.

Music swelled and filled the hall. Brendan stood watching the entrance. Several beautiful women entered, but they were not who he was waiting for, then the song changed. He smiled when the instrumental version of their favorite love song filled the cathedral. Brendan watched transfixed as his bride made her way to him, and then she was there. Carefully taking her hand, he helped her to stand beside him before the minister.

The ceremony began. Brendan didn't hear a word of what was being said. All he knew was that the most amazing woman in the world was about to become his wife. Soon the minister led them through the vows and he was prompted to kiss the one girl he'd always dreamed of, but never thought he'd have chance to marry. The audience cheered as husband and wife shred their first kiss.

Family at Last

"Honey, is this really necessary? I grew up in this bedroom and look how I turned out. I'm fine. I don't think we need to change the color of this room." Brendan argued. Jungle green was a fantastic color, and it took him months to convince his Mom to let him paint his room this color.

"No, Brenda will not have a green room, Brendan. I let you name her, so I get to decorate her room. Do I have to call the dads?" Lydia asked.  She smiled, both Chuck and her dad told her anytime Brendan would not let her have her way, call them.  She had no intention of calling, but her baby girl would not have a jungle green room. 

Brendan backed down. Both fathers told him to give Lydia anything she wanted. She and their granddaughter had better be happy. Brendan walked downstairs. Instantly, Lydia felt guilty. Brendan had changed so much. She remembered watching him in this same room when they were teens. Then she realized, they could keep some of the green and maybe they could reach a happy compromise. When Brenda got older, she could decide what color she wanted her room to be.

"Brendan, Brendan, where are you?" Lydia called.

"I'm out here." Brendan answered.

Lydia joined him outside. "I'm sorry. I'm being mean. But I want everything to be perfect for her when she gets here." Lydia explained, gently rubbing her baby bump.

Brendan sighed. placing his hand on top of hers.  He still could not believe that soon she'd be a dad.  "It will be. She has the best Mom in the world."

"We can keep the green, and place a pink and peach design over it. She can decide what color she wants when she's older, OK." Lydia compromised.

"Nope, she's a little girl. Little girls should have a beautiful room and I trust you completely. Let me know what color, and I'll go get it." Brendan whispered.

Lydia sat beside him and smiled, her protruding middle showing evidence of their love for one another. "You are going to spoil her. I know because you spoil me." Lydia teased.

Brendan smiled and pulled his wife close. "You my love deserve it and so does she."

Thank you for reading. I hope you were not too disappointed, and truly enjoyed the series.

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