Brendan and Lydia Part 11

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Brendan called home to check on his parents and was surprised to learn that their neighbors were moving to a retirement community. For a moment, he felt sad because for his entire life Darren and Helen were second parents to him. If they moved, a piece of his childhood was leaving. He worried about his mm. She and Helen had been together his entire life. How would she cope with her best friend moving away?

Wanting to make sure his parents were alright, Brendan went home for a visit. His visit was surreal. New family had bought the house across the street, and seeing the small bikes and toys littering the front lawn. Brendan waited as a small sedan drove up. He smiled when he saw who got out of the car. A huge smile spread across his face when the driver exited. In two or three steps, Brendan rushed over to greet his childhood friend, Spencer. As they greeted each other, Chianne got out of the car, and Spencer engulfed her in a huge bear hug. They were expecting their first child, a little boy. The three friends chatted and Spencer invited Brendan inside.

The three friends caught up. Brendan asked about Rayna and Frank. He was pleased to learn they lived near. He'd make sure he visited. He regretted missing both of their weddings, but he was extremely happy for both couples.

Unbeknownst to Brendan, Frank and Spencer had other plans. When they learned he was coming home after so many years, they'd planned a huge party. Everyone would be there. His parents were even in on it, along with Darren and Helen, Lydia's parents. Sadly, Lydia did not want to come, but her parents promised to try and get her to change her mind. Spencer kept his fingers crossed.

Brendan stayed a while with his friends before returning to check on his parents and then returning to his hotel room. He was determined not to be a burden on his parents that he insisted on getting a room at the local hotel so his mother would not have to worry about caring for him.

He entered the lobby of the hotel and froze. He blinked twice. At the front desk, checking in was the one girl that haunted his dreams most of his life, Lydia.


"Lydia, hello." Brendan greeted his former neighbor enthusiastically. "Strange seeing you here. Haven't your parents moved to Nevada to be near you?"

Lydia sighed. She was told the party was a secret and here she was about to ruin everything. She had to think quickly.

"Brendan, hey. I didn't know you'd come home. I'm actually here on business, if you must know. I was planning on visiting your parents before going home. Imagine seeing you here." She fibbed greeting him with a hug.

Brendan smiled. It had been several years since he saw her last. Her last day in town was bittersweet to him. He remembered it like it was yesterday. He walked over to her parent's home as she was pulling her bags outside. He took them from her to carry them. He walked her to her car and loaded her trunk. The two of them shared a tearful good bye and he stood as she drove away. A few years later, they graduated college and he went to Europe. She traveled to Honduras to work in medicine and they lost touch. Even when her parents moved and she came to help with the transition, he didn't get home in time to say goodbye. But now he was here. He was not sure how long she was here, but he knew that this time, he was done keeping quiet.

"Come on. Let me help you take your bags up." Brendan offered.

Lydia smiled and he followed her. As they arrived at her room, Brendan carried her bags inside but got her to promise to join him early for breakfast. Lydia agreed and she hugged Brendan good night.

Brendan walked to his room. His mind was racing. Lydia was here. Lydia was here. He didn't know why, but this time she was not leaving without her knowing how he felt.

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