Frank and Rayna Part 5

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Frank's called his father each week, and he was doing well. They discussed him moving to Virginia, but he refused. So overtime, Frank accepted his father's judgment. He hired people to help him and made sure he had no real worries. He continued to live in Virginia and spent time helping the family business flourish.

Making sure he monitored his father from home Frank decided that he would focus on work and nothing more. Besides, he had more important goals to meet and Rayna was no longer his concern. After the first six months, he stopped thinking about her every night. After one year, she was a distant but fleeting memory. After a few years, he barely thought of Rayna at all.

Years later, Frank received the call he feared most. His father collapsed and was in emergency. Frank rushed home. He went straight to the hospital. Nadine met him at the door and she told him that Harry was stable and led him to his room. Frank sat by his dad's bed. At some point, he nodded off. He woke when someone gently shook his shoulder. It was Nadine. She told him the doctor was coming by soon, and maybe he should go home and rest. Frank agreed and waited.

The doctor came and gave his prognosis. Frank knew one of two things would happen. Dad was moving in with him, or he had to move back home. His uncle had already told him that he could run the company from Utica, and Jerald would be at the base in Virginia.

Frank smiled when he thought of his cousin. Jerald and Eden were happily married and expecting their first son. Eden said they were naming him Frank. Jerald said that his name would be Jerald Frank. Frank laughed and was genuinely happy for his cousin.

"What you laughing at boy?" Harry awoke groggily.

"Dad, Thank God. You are going to turn all of my hair grey." Frank teased, relieved that his father woke up.

Harry looked at his son, over ten years ago; he left home a broken hearted kid, now he stood beside him a successful young man. "I'm going to be fine son. I'm glad you came home." Harry whispered. He started to tell him that he didn't have to. He could go on back to his life, but despite his bravado, he needed his son with him for a while.

Well, it's good to be home. You don't have to worry. Tomorrow, I'm going to make arrangements to move the part of the company here. I already have the perfect location." Frank explained.

Harry sighed, his son was home.

Nadine was ending her shift, but decided to stop by. Harry was glad to see her.

"Nadine, what is a pretty girl like you doing down here with an old codger like me?" harry teased.

"I'm glad you're ok. I was checking on you before I went home. You know momma worries." Nadine explained.

Harry sighed, "You tell RexAnne that it'll take more that pork rinds to take me out."

Nadine laughed. "Ray is stopping by later." She added.

Frank could not help but ask. "How are Rayna and Derrell?"

Nadine stopped smiling. "Why don't you ask Ray? It's not my place to say anything." Then she had to leave.

Frank looked at his dad, confused. Harry smiled. "You walked away from that girl twice. Don't be a fool and walk a third time."

"Wait, she and Derrell aren't' together?" he asked. His heart rate rising. For the last five years, he did everything he could not to think about Rayna. To come home and learn she may be single was a chance he was not wasting this time. He was done pretending to be just her friend. If his suspicions were right, then it was time for him to let Rayna Alicia know that he was done playing games. He wanted more than just friendship, he wanted a lifetime.

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