Spencer and Chianne Part 8

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****The Present****

Spencer was coming home. He missed his small town, but when he left for college, he had one goal. He was coming back when he could give the one girl he loved everything she deserved. Spencer thought about Chianne. She was amazing to him. Even as a young teen, he admired her beauty.

As he drove into the small town, he drove past Joe's garage. was still open. He wondered if after all these year as if Chianne was still here. He knew from his parents before they moved to the islands that Chianne received a grant to go to community college to become certified in mechanics,. His parents were instrumental in making sure she received aid.

Not even realizing it, Spencer found himself pulling into the parking lot of Joe's Garage. He got out and as soon as his entered, he was almost bowled over by kids. "Whoa, Damon, I told you to stop running around." An exasperated female voice yelled.

"Sorry Auntie Chi" He yelled back, and Spencer smiled,

"Hi, who are you?" The young boy asked.

Spencer kneeled beside him. "I'm Spencer, and I'm a friend of your aunt, Chianne.. Will you tell her I'm out here." As he was speaking to the young child, Chianne walked out. She saw Spencer, and gasped.

He looked up. He was stunned. She was more beautiful today than she was fifteen years ago.

"Spencer, hi welcome home." Chianne greeted. She was stunned. When Spence left, he promised to come back but he never did.

Spencer smiled, "Chia, you are beautiful." Spencer whispered. Before she could reply, her brother, Wen entered.

Seeing Spencer standing there made Wen smile. Finally after all these years, maybe just maybe his sister could finally be with the ine guy that caught her eye.

Forcing a frown, Wen paced toward Spencer angrily, "Old Spence, you slummin' again. What it took you ten years to need to be around us." He accused.

Spencer started to speak when they young kid asked, "Papa is this your friend?"

Wen smiled, "Yes, and now go help Mama make dinner, Sy-un." The little one smiled and ran off.

Spence took a deep breath. "Actually, I'm not back for good. I just came to get something that is mine. I left it here for safer keeping until I was ready to take care of it. Now, I'm back and I am determined to take it with me." Spencer replied, he eyes never wavering from Chianne.

Chianne stood. "Oh, well, enjoy your visit. Wen, I'm gonna finish the paper work on the ZT Charger for Mr. James. You guys can talk." She turned to leave.

Spencer simply stood and followed. Chianne was surprised when he entered her small office behind her.

"Spencer, I thought you wanted to talk with Wen. He is good at helping find things." She started to explain.

Spencer sat across from her. "I don't need his help. I've found what I've been looking for the moment I entered this shop."

Chianne almost choked. "Wait, what?"

"Years ago, I was a kid. I could barely walk on my own, and that wasn't good enough. I went to school, earned degrees, and had the chance to travel all over the world. Do you know how I felt on each trip? Lonely. The person I wanted with me most was not there." Spencer paused.

Chianne spoke, "I know you missed Brendan and Frank, but I'm sure you talked to them at least."

"I'm not talking about them. You know what I'm talking about" Spencer whispered.

Chianne blinked. She stood and was annoyed that her office was so small. "Spencer, we are friends. Five years ago, I thought you understood." She spoke.

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