The others seemed to shake their heads at Yeseul's generosity. As much as Sehun appreciated it, he wished she hadn't done such a thing. After all, they really didn't feel that close anymore.

Dongchul and Eunmi laughed as they began to unwrap their gifts. Sehun didn't seem surprised when it was just boxes wrapped in boxes wrapped in boxes. Once they finally got to the center, there was a box that had a large bottle of champagne inside.

"For taking care of my brother," Yeseul added as the adults smiled. They thanked her, then moving their attention to Yixing.

His gift had been nothing more than a small teddy bear. It held a plush heart in its paws that said, "I love you beary much!" Yixing laughed. A lot. Then, he threw the bear at Yeseul. She tossed it back.

"You ungrateful shit," she mumbled. Yixing rolled his eyes.

As the group continued to open their gifts, Junmyeon just watched. He watched them smile and feel great joy as they shared their love for one another. He wanted to be part of it. He wanted his mom back. He wanted to see her beautiful grin that seemed nothing but genuine. He wanted a sober father again. He wanted friends who would support him. He wanted a sister as generous as Sehun's. He wanted to feel loved.

"I think dinner is ready!" Dongchul exclaimed as a timer went off in the kitchen. The rest began to get out of their seats and run to the dining area. Junmyeon and Sehun stuck behind.

They were now out of sight.

Sehun reached behind him for the envelope that had sat on the coffee table next to the sofa. On it had Junmyeon written in his messy handwriting. A heart was next to his name.

"For you," Sehun told as he handed Junmyeon the paper. The older looked happier as he took the envelope.

Inside was nothing but a piece of paper. Junmyeon read it.

Junmyeon –

Merry Christmas. You told me not to buy you anything so that's why I'm writing this. Haha.

I want you to know that you're a good person. You're important. I don't care what your teachers or your dad or what anyone else says. Because I know you're a good person. You're beyond good. I can't think of a big enough word. Just know you're amazing.

Thank you for being a good friend. I hope my family can provide you a nice Christmas—I know you probably haven't celebrated properly in a while. I'm glad you're celebrating with me.

I don't want to write what I want to say next. I'd rather say it to you.

Junmyeon glanced at Sehun. "What do you want to say?" They both laughed.

Sehun grabbed the boy's face. "I love you." He kissed Junmyeon softly. Junmyeon kissed back.

"I love you too." He scolded himself again. Scolded himself for giving in. Scolded himself for facing his fear. The one fear he never wanted to overcome, for he knew what it would do to him.

I hope you enjoy your Christmas. Not just today, but tomorrow, and the next day, and every day you live after that. You mean a lot to me, okay? And you're a good person. Man, I'd really rather be saying this to you, but I couldn't. I know I'm talkative but these thingsthese heartfelt, important, sensitive thingsI couldn't tell you to your face. But I hope you stick with my crazy ass long enough to where I can learn to tell you those things.

Don't leave me, Junmyeon.

Merry Christmas.


"Let's go eat. I have something else for you later," Sehun whispered, grabbing Junmyeon's hand. They stood up together. They walked to the kitchen together. Junmyeon let go of Sehun's hand.


Sehun dragged Junmyeon out onto the front porch. Outside, it was freezing cold. But the two didn't seem to care.

"Like I said, I had something extra for you," Sehun explained as he continued to hide the gift behind his back. Junmyeon lightly bounced on his feet as he patiently waited. "I know you told me not to get you anything. But, I couldn't resist." Sehun held out his hand. In it, he held a larger red box that had gold embellishments on its borders. Junmyeon just stared at it for a while. Sehun put it in the boy's hands himself.

"Open it," he demanded before chuckling. Junmyeon did as he was told. Inside the box rested a shiny silver bracelet, one that had nearly blinded him. It was simple. But beautiful. It looked valuable. It looked like something Junmyeon could never afford in his entire lifetime.

He had just been looking at it for seconds, which then turned into minutes. Sehun gently picked up the bracelet, then placing the box on the wooden porch below his feet. Sehun delicately took hold of Junmyeon's hand—his sensitive, brittle hand. The hand that had the same cuts and bruises. Sehun slid the bracelet onto his wrist—his skinny, weak wrist. Sehun then gripped it. Junmyeon felt like crying.

"My father gave me one when I was little before he died. Well, it was my brother's, but then he gave it to Yeseul. Then she gave it to me. You're like a brother to me, so now, it's yours." Sehun looked deeply in Junmyeon's eyes, making sure the boy took in everything he had been saying. It was evident that he did once a tear fell down Junmyeon's face.

"I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you," Junmyeon choked out. Sehun moved his hands from Junmyeon's wrist to the boy's shoulders. There were long silent moments as Sehun rehearsed what he wanted to say to Junmyeon.

"Junmyeon. I think that I can give you strength, and I can really love you. But I know the problem is that you're afraid. You're afraid that I won't protect you. That I won't love you. But I will. Only if you let me."

Sehun felt himself fall for Junmyeon again. Junmyeon felt himself fall for Sehun again.

Junmyeon couldn't speak. Suddenly, the air had been stolen from his lungs and his vocal chords had been ripped from his throat. All he could manage to do was cry.

"So please, Junmyeon. Just tell me that you'll let me love you. I want you to truly mean it." Sehun pulled him into his arms. He held Junmyeon tightly. Junmyeon still couldn't speak, but he nodded. He nodded and he held Sehun.

"You can love me," Junmyeon whispered after moments of quiet.

They kissed.

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