"What do you all want?" Yixing asked, nodding towards the crowded bar. Sehun looked at the ground, not answering.

"Their strongest," Chanyeol answered with a laugh. Yixing walked away and towards the bar. Sehun, not wanting to be left alone with Jongin and Chanyeol, trailed behind Yixing.

Yixing gave the younger a small smile. "You hanging in there?"

"Sure. We haven't done anything yet, though." Sehun shoved his hands in his pockets as the bartender asked what they were having. Sehun tried to hide himself, for he did look far younger than twenty-one. The bartender gave Yixing a certain look as he handed over the beers—a look that said, you're crazy. He must have spotted Sehun's youthful appearance.

About a minute passed, and Yixing had been holding four beer bottles, two in each hand. Sehun took two from his fingers to help.

Chanyeol yanked the beers from Sehun and passed one to Jongin. He started opening one with his hands. He had gotten good at that, for he was a religious beer-drinker.

Yixing chuckled as he handed a drink to Sehun. The boy just stared at it, but Chanyeol didn't hesitate to open it for him.

"Thanks," Sehun mumbled.

"Alright. Let's get out of here," Jongin suggested before leading the group outside. The cool breeze that greeted them as they exited made Sehun shiver in his denim-jacket. It's just another night, he told himself. This was normal. They'd do whatever they had to do, then they'd leave.

"What are we up to today?" Chanyeol asked before taking a sip of his drink. Yixing walked faster so he was standing next to Chanyeol.

"I have something to take care of in a few minutes. It shouldn't take us long to get there. Tag along if you want, you should be fine," Yixing explained in a quieter voice. Sehun immediately knew what was planned—this wasn't the first time Yixing had brought them along to a drug deal.

Jongin sighed. "It's supposed to be more busy out here. People have gone home already," the boy complained.

"Maybe it's because you didn't pick me up until two o'clock," Sehun chimed in. Jongin shoved the younger as he let out a laugh.

The four made their way down the streets of the town, all following Yixing's lead. Once he finally reached his destination, he told the three to wait behind. They ended up in a parking garage on the east side of town. Fortunately for Yixing, that had been the most quiet part of town, but also meant it was a popular area for drug deals such as these.

The man on the other end of the deal looked more intimidating than some of the other people Yixing had told to before. His larger body and un-groomed facial hair just about made the scare factor, along with the fact that he had to be no younger than forty.

Sehun watched closely as the two talked, Yixing constantly looking around the area, probably making sure there were no cops. The other man did the same—that's when he spotted Sehun, Chanyeol, and Jongin.

"Who are you?" he shouted, pointing at the three boys. He started towards the group, raging anger in his step. "You need to get the hell out of here." Sehun immediately backed away, but, Chanyeol being the relentless boy he is, decided to fight back.

"I don't have to go anywhere. And besides, I'm with him." Chanyeol nodded towards Yixing.

The man was now closer to Chanyeol. Jongin awkwardly stood behind, while Sehun was almost yards away.

"You're just a little kid, alright? Now get out of here."

Chanyeol laughed before taking a gulp of his beer. "Nope."

Then, the man took a sharp swing at Chanyeol's face. This was nothing new—that kid always loved a good fight. Sehun figured it made him feel good, like it was a way to let out his anger. So Sehun didn't interfere.

The two continued to wrestle until Chanyeol clubbed the guy in the stomach. Yixing then knew that he'd have to stop it. He got in between the two, trying to separate them. The man didn't give up, though. Yixing tried one last strategy, which was to grab onto Chanyeol's torso and pull him away.

"Quit it, for fucks sake!" Yixing shouted. "Give me the money then take a fucking walk."

The man stood up from the concrete, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He searched for the cash in his pockets, handing the money to Yixing. He took it, then handing the man the powdery-white substance. Sehun sighed as he watched them, wishing Yixing, along with Jongin and Chanyeol, could just be normal people. Wishing they wouldn't have to depend on alcohol or drugs to give them a thrill. But, normality just wasn't meant to be for them—they were born for the trouble.

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