Chapter 8

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A startled gasp escaped my lips as I woke up from my deep slumber. As I tried to get up I felt as if my body was being restricted back down. He handcuffed me to the bed.

"Your awake" A deep husky voice stated causing me to jump in place.

'W-Why did you try to run?" he asked tears swelling up in his eyes.

"I don't like it here"

It was as if suddenly the sadness in his eyes were replaced with anger. I tried to create some distance as much as possible as he stalked toward me.

I whimpered when he grabbed my chin forcing me to look into his hazel brown eyes.

"Why don't you love me" he muttered sadly. My eyes widened as he started to press gentle kisses down my neck.

"Your skin is so soft" he moaned.

His wandering fingered skimmed all over my body making sure no part was untouched.

"G-Get off of me!" I screamed struggling against him but with being chained down to having no luck.

The look in his eyes were no longer the sweet honey brown eyes they were now filled with darkness and lust.

"Your a monster"

A sickening sly smirk formed across his face. "You think I'm a monster? then I'll act like a monster". I gasp as my shirt was suddenly ripped open in half exposing my black lace bra.

I screamed even louder when he ripped off my jeans as well leaving me in my undergarments. My heart beating louder in my chest when I noticed him taking off his shirt and pants.

The only thing separating him from me was his boxers. My cries and whimpers seemed to be unheard as if he was in his own little world. Grabbing a fistful of my hair he forced me to look into his eyes exposing my neck to him.

His warm lips pressed down on my temple and down my neck to my collarbone, in between my breasts, and down my belly.

"Please don't do this" I pleaded through tears.

I groaned in pain as he started to leave bits all over my neck mumbling the word mine over and over.

Connecting his forehead against mine I cringed in disgust. Lowering his hips against mine he started to grind against my crotch.

I could feel his hot breath and the sound of his moans against my ear. "God your so beautiful" he whispered into my neck.

A rainfall of tears fell down my cheeks followed by my soft cries. Cupping my face in his hands he gently wiped my tear stained cheeks. "I love you" he whispered.

Pressing one last kiss to my forehead, he put back on his clothes and left me chained to the bed. My heart sped up as the door opened, expecting to see Justin. "Harry?"

Pressing his finger to his lips signaling me to be quiet. Unlocking the handcuffs that connected my wrists to bed. "Why are you helping me?" I asked. He sighed.

"Because you don't deserve this"

Helping me put on my clothes that had been ripped off I noticed he kept glancing at the door here and there. "We have to hurry we don't have much time"

Grabbing my hand he led me to the living room. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"To an old cottage" he replied. He packed some food from in the kitchen in the fridge into his bag. "Okay, let's go" he said grabbing my hand once again.

" Unfortunately, I can't let you do that" a recognizable voice said. Turning around we were met with Zayn pointing a gun at Harry.

"Zayn you don't have to do this"

"Please" I said.

His eyes shifted toward to me and I swear I saw some remorse but was then overtaken by anger.

"Put the bag down" he said motioning the gun back over to Harry. Placing the bag slowly on the floor he put his hands up. "Now get on the ground" he ordered.

"No not you" Zayn said as I went to kneel down.

"Zayn please leave her out of this"

"Shut up!" his booming voice yelled. I screamed as the trigger was pulled and the bullet went through Harry's leg. Grabbing his leg he groaned in pain.

He grabbed the bag of food of the ground and I backed away in fear as Zayn stalked toward me.Once in front of me he grabbed my wrist so hard I yelped in pain. "Your coming with me" he said deviously.

Shaking my head back and forth. "N-No please don't make me" I pleaded. Ignoring my pleas he pulled me outside and toward his car.

I screamed for Harry but there was no way he could help me not with a bullet in his leg.

"Harry's not going to help you this time" I trembled in fear as he opened the car trunk.

"No, no please anything but that"

I screamed as he pushed me inside the trunk.

"Shut up" he said reaching inside his pocket and taking out a rag.

"No I'll be quiet" I said.

"Too late" he replied wrapping the cloth around my mouth muffling my cries. Grabbing a rope he tied my feet together and my wrists together.

"Sweet dreams" he said as he closed the trunk leaving my in absolute darkness.

I cried even more as the sound of the tires could be heard indicating we were moving. What scared me even more was that I didn't even know where Zayn was taking me.

Surprisingly I wished Justin was here to tell me that everything was going to be okay even if he was a deranged psycho but now I was here all alone with no one and not even Harry was here to help me this time.

Sorry I haven't updating in a long time guys! but for some reason it wouldn't let me I would press save and publish but it would not work. I'm just glad it worked this time. By the way you guys are awesome 1k reads?!?!? Thank you guys so much. I'll try to update atleast every friday now that I'm on break.

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