Chapter 3

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   My eyes opened slightly once feeling 2 soft hand untying the rope on my wrists causing a uncompfortable moan. Once untied and not being able to hold my body anymore I let myself collapse but to be caught by two strong arms.

A rush of a burning sensation swarmed around my wrists it seemed the rope had imprinted on my skin. Not to mention my whole body was unbeilivibly cold. The temperature in this room was definatly not safe for a human being.

My whole body felt frozen as if I was a block of ice. A gasp escaped my lips as I was lifted up and carried to the bathroom. The temperature seemed to changed as we entered the room. The hot steam caused my skin to burn with a blissful sensation.

I was then soon placed in a tub, the water was so hot my skin felt like it was on fire. I screamed on the top of my lungs as the water seemed to get hotter and hotter.

"I know baby I know" Justin cooed.

"Please take me out" I pleaded.

My chest moving up and down rapidly as the temperature seemed to increase. Once my body temperaure cooled down I was then carried out and wrapped in a towel.

A pair of  warm lips pressed against my warm forehead. 

"How about we get you into some nice clothes and then a nice meal?"

I nodded my head not trustin my voice. Picking me up once more he slowly took the towel from my body leavin me in my undergarments.

I moved in discomfort as his eyes raked over my body causing his pupils to darken. Picking up a large t-shirt and sweatpants he dressed me. Once dressed we went downstairs to eat.

Justin looked up at me once in awhile as I ate quietly. I stiffened once his hand rested itself on my thigh.

"Baby I understand your upset but I had to it was the only way for you learn your lesson"

He let out a frusterated sigh when I didn't reply my eyes focused on the food on my plate I didn't finish. A knock on the door broke me out of my trance.

I immediatly noticed a heard of curly brown hair. Harry came in but he wasn't alone.

"Amanda this is Zayn he will be watching you also" Justin said.

He had these dark eyes that looked murderous. They way he looked at me with lust and fascination disgusted me. The fact that Zayn and Harry were oblivious to this scared me even more.

I was left alone with Harry and Zayn once Justin left. Putting my plate in the sink I headed to the stairs.

"Where are you going?' Harry's worried voiced asked.

"To my room" I replied annoyed. Making my way to the bedroom I closed the door and let my body fall against the bed.

The door of my bedroom slowly opened causing me to jump straight up. My heart raced as I looked at the person standing at my door. Zayn. 

I gulped as he closed the door and locked it. Taking one step closer to me I took one step back. Turning his head to the side he looked at me in awe like he was the predator and I was the prey.

'Tell me amanda, does justin touch you?" his deep voice asked.

"W-what?" I stuttered causing a smirk to form on his face. Taking another step closer I took one back but to feel my back pressed against the wall. I was trapped.

I gasped when he was suddenly in front of me. His height looming over my petite body. 

"Please don't" I pleaded as he gently cupped my cheek his thumb carassing my skin.

His hands then slowly drifted down my body stopping inbetween my breasts. "So beautiful" he mumbled. Pressing his cold lips to my neck I whimpered.

"I want to do so much things to you" he muttered as his hands moved down my body and to my backside.

I let out a rather loud gasp as my backside was cupped into his large hands he let out a groan.

"Would you like me to you here right now or maybe I'll bend you over the bed and give it to you raw" he whispered in my ear.

Tears started to form in my eyes. " Stop please"

I screamed as his hand made contact with my ass. 'You like that don't you? You like the way I touch you I could do so much better than justin" he muttered once more in my ear.

Rather loud footsteps could be heard on the stairs and harry's frantic screaming.

"Amanda are you okay? why is the door locked?"

Zayn's hands then wrapped tightly around my neck blockin my airway.

"You tell him one thing and I will you so hard you won't be able to move" he threatened. Once his hands loosened I ran toward the door but to be pulled into harry's warm chest.

"Thank god your okay what happened?" he asked eyeing Zayn and I suspiciously .

"I fell and but Zayn was here to catch me" I lied.

"But why was the door locked?"

"I was changing" I lied again.

"Oh as long as your okay" he muttered leaving the room. 

"Try not to miss me princess" Zayn said as he left the room. 

I just let myself go once I was alone. I cried and cried my heart out. I've never been touched like that before.

Not even by my exboyfriend. I never trusted anybody to touch me not now not ever. I planned to stay a virgin forever until I find the one I really love.

Seems like Iike I'll die a virgin if im going to be here forever. Although I'm not giving up without a fight I will get out of here even if I die trying.

will get out of here even if it's the last thing I do.

There you go guys sorry I didn't update in awhile but I had to study for my finals and plus I had total writer's block. I'll try to update within the next 2 weeks. 

30 reads and 10 votes for me to update!

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