Chapter 1

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 The wind world war 3 with my hair as I walked to school, the win obviously winning. The bell rang signaling school was staring. Gladly I made on time with just a time to spare. The air filled with silence as I walked into the room everyones eyes on me. The loud screech of my chair could be heard as i pulled it out to sit. I quicky took my phone out of my pocket as it vibrated.

Blocked: You look beautiful today baby girl.

  I cringed in disgust. This is the 4th time this person texted me. I finally got the courage to text back.

This isnt funny whoever this is...jerk!

I smiled to myself reading over the text several times before clicking send. I then quickly wrote down the notes for out chemistry test. The door slowly opened and in came a student. She hurried off across the room to Mr.H whispering something in his ear. He nodded as his gaze landed on me.

"Amanda grab your stuff you leaving early today"

I nodded and quickly grabbed my books and scurried off to my locker. After I finished placing my books in my backpack I walked outside to the parking lot. My eyes scanning the lot trying to find my moms car. My phone then soon vibrating in my pocket loudly.

Blocked: I can't take it anymore we'll be together princess, I'm coming for you.

   My eyes widened reading the message. I was about to run away when a hand reached over my mouth. I screamed and kicked but to no avail. My attacker wore a black hoodie that sprawled over his face. His large fingers forcefully grabbing mu wrists pulling me to his range rove. A rag was soon placed over my mouth and nose. I held my breath as much as possible.

"Cmon baby girl breath" My attacker cooed.

  Trying to catch my breath I let in a small amount of air. The scent endulging me as it entered my nostrils. My eyelids becoming heavier and heavier until I couldn't stay conscious anymore.

Anonymus P.O.V

I glanced at my baby girl one in awhile. Her sleeping figure so breath taking. Her pink plump lips so pure and kissable, her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, her gorgeous long eyelashes fanning over her face,and her luscious curly brown hair cascading down her back. I'm so glad shes mine. My beautiful Amanda all Mine.

Amanda P.O.V

  My eyes fluttered open but to close back instantly at the pounding pain in my head. I groaned in pain.

"Good your awake" a deep voice said.

Fear written all over my face as he walked closer to me. I scooched backwards until my back hit the headboard of the bed.

"Ssh, baby girl it's okay" he whispered as he stroaked my cheek.

I trembled in fear.

"Please t-t-take me home" I begged.

"You are home" He replied.

Tears spilling from my eyes. He gently brushed my tears away. I shuddered away from his cold fingers on my skin.

"Don't touch me" I spat.

His jaw clenched in anger. His eyes in a puddle of darkness in anger. I winced as his hand made conctact with my cheek signaling he just slapped me.

"Don't talk to me like that" He said through gritted teeth anger evident in his voice.

He then quickly got up and left locking the door behind him. I rested my head on the pillow my tears refusing not to fall. I then silently cried myself to sleep.


My eyes slowly darted open a strong arm wrapped around my waist securly.

"Morining beautiful" a deep, husky, and incredibly sexy voice said.

I looked up to see beautiful hazel eyes. He looked so different without a hood covering his face. His lips curved up in a smile as he examined me.

"Why don't we get you something to eat" he said as he hoisted me on his hip like a baby.

He gently pecked my bruised cheek making me wince. He placed a plate of pancakes on the matt.

"Thanks but im not hungry" I mumbled playing with my fingers.

"Sweetheart i know your lying what's wrong?"

"I'm fine..." I whispered.

His hand suddenly reached over to touch mine but i quickly swipped it away. His jaw clenching for a second before unclenching.

"Baby girl please tell me whats wrong"

I scoffed at my nickname. It disgusted me especially when he said it.

"I'm gaining weight.." I said keeping my gaze on my lap/

'Baby girl please don't ever say that your body is perfect, your long sexy tan legs, your curvy body, and that arse your beautiful so please dont talk like that, now eat it's your favorite"

I noticed it was chocolate chip, How did he know? I took a small bite of my pancakes which resulted with more and more. A smile appeared on my attackers face as I ate. After I finished he carried me up to the couch. He rested me on his lap wrapping my legs around his waist, his hands wrapped around my waist. I tried to wriggle and squrim from him but his grip only tightened.

"Baby girl i'm going to send one of my trusted gang members to take care of you, I have some unfinished buisness to take care of"

I nodded.

"If he harms,looks,or touches you in anyway tell me and I'll kill him" He said

My eyes widened at his last three words. When his grip around my waist untightened I moved away from his lap. He was about to say something when the doorbell rang. He sighed heavily before getting up to answer it. A guy with pericing green orbs walked in. His shirt tight showing off his exterrior muscles, his hair a dark shade of brown curls.

'I'm Harry" hia raspy voice said.

I smiled lightly. I was not looking forward to being alone with him, he already creeped me out.

"Remember what I told you? If you harm her I will kill you and i'll make sure it's slow and painful"

"Yeah yeah I know boss" Harry replied.

It was pretty much quiet we just sat there watching t.v

"So how long have you know Justin?" he asked trying to break the silence

Justin? so that was his name? he never told me his name. I wanted nothing more then to tell him Justin kidnapped me so badly but I knew I would suffer the consequences.

"For awhile now..." I lied.

He nodded and smiled a slight dimple appearing on his face. We sat there in silence again until my stomach growled.

"Are you hungry? let me make you something" he said like his life depended on it.

"No no, i'm really tired I think i'm gonna take a quick nap" I said.

He nodded. I made my way to the stairs but something caught my eye.

The backdoor.

I glanced back to the living room to see Harry watching t.v. I quickly but quietly made my way to the backdoor. Cursing under my breath at every sqeak the floor would make.

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