Chapter 4

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   To scared to go downstairs I stayed in my room for about a hour now. I lay down on the bed just staring at the ceiling. I soon got up and decided to take a shower. Stripping of my clothes I stepped in the shower. I closed my eyes as the warm water slapped against my skin and cascaded down my back.

Turning off the water I wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the shower. Walking out of the bathroom and into my room I removed the towel and slipped on my undergarments. A knock was placed on the door before it was opened.

Harry came in but stopped when he saw me in nothing but my undergarments. His eyes bulging out of his sockets. I could feel a warm blush spread across my cheeks.

"Get out!" I squeaked grabbing the towel from the floor and wrapping it around my body.

"I-i'm sorry" he stuttered and I swear I saw a pinkish blush form on his cheeks. Once he closed the door I ran across the room to lock it. After I finished changing seconds later I heard another knock.

Unlocking the door I opened it to see Harry once again. His eyes focused on the ground as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for walking in on you" he muttered.

I smiled. "Don't worry it's okay" I reassured him but it wasn't okay. He saw my body. He would probably become like Zayn and I wouldn't see those harmless green eyes anymore. I would see eyes filled with lust with pupils enlarged every time he stared at me.

Surprisingly when his gaze left the floor and fixated on me his eyes were the same harmless emerald eyes. I didn't see the eyes I thought I would see I saw the really sincere eyes of a boy who just wanted forgiveness.

"By the way Justin's here" he mumbled.

Nodding I walked down the stairs. Justin's face immediately lightened when he saw me.

"Hey baby" he said and I immediately cringed. Wrapping his arms around my waist he pulled me against his body and wrapped my legs around his waist forcing me to wrap my arms around his neck.

Nuzzling his head in my neck he left gentle kisses down my skin. I struggled to get out of his grip but to have him hold me tighter. Glancing at Harry for help he only stood there and watched giving me a sad smile.

I couldn't understand the emotion in his eyes but it seemed sort of like jealousy. I even glanced at Zayn to see him resting against the wall his arms folded and a smirk plastered on his face.

"Did you miss me?" Justin mumbled against my neck.

I gasped as his hand slowly slide up my leg to carass my thigh. "I have to go to the bathroom" I whispered moving out of his grip causing him to chuckle. 

My loud footsteps could be heard as I ran to the bathroom. Leaning against the sink I took a deep breath before splashing myself with water. Making my way back to the kitchen but stoped once I heard my name.

"I don't know what to do I just want her to love me" what seemed to be Justin's voice said.

Like that will ever happen I thought.

"Well you did kidnap her ,but just give her some time" Harry's voice said.

"Have you fu.cked her yet? because she's got one hell of a sexy body" I whimpered of the thought of what Zayn wanted to do to me.

In a blink of an eye Zayn was pushed up against the refrigerator and Harry tried to get them apart.

"Don't you talk about her like that shes mine" Justin growled.

All Zayn did was smirk which told me he was up to something. When I heard enough I emerged from the corner and into the kitchen Causing all their heads to snap up in my direction.

"Besides you should be mad at Harry he's the one that walked in on her in her undergarments" 

"YOU WHAT?" Justin's loud venomous voice spat before harry was pushed to the ground. Justin's fist smashing against harrys face repeatedly over and over again.

"Justin stop!" I screamed running over to them.

"Is it true did he see you half naked?"

My cheeks immediately reddened at the thought. "Yea.. but It was a accident" I replied.

It seems though my words meant nothing to Justin because he continued punching harry over and over.

"Do something!" I yelled at zayn who just stood there with that same smirk plastered on his face.

Realizing he wasn't going to do anything I ran infront of Harry sheilding him from Justin's fist. Holding Harry's face gently in my hand I carrassed his bruised cheek.

A purplish somewhat bruise formed on his cheek not to mention his lip was split.

"Get the away from her!" Justin screamed as he pushed me away from Harry like he was causing me some sort of harm. The only person who actually is causing harm is Justin. As Justin continued punching Harry I noticed something in the hallway.

How could I have missed that? I thought. There on the table was a phone. Slowly making my way toward it and dialing 911.

"911 what's your emergency?" 

Before I could respond the phone was knocked out of my hands by Zayn. I whimpered as he gripped my wrist tightly and dragged me back to the kitchen.

"Justin we need to go she called the police"

Justin's head immediately snapped up to the word police. Making his way toward me I stepped back but to crash into Zayn.

"You are in so much trouble sweetheart"

Harry soon then came in with a bunch of suitcases. "We must leave now they will be here any moment"

Taking a rag out of his pocket he soaked it in chloroform. I shook my head no vigorously  but before he could reach me a loud knock was on the door.

"Police open up!"



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