Chapter 17 - Epilogue

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17- Epilogue

AN: Okay last chapter of the main plot. Jack tells the avengers that he is blind. Now on wattpad! Sorry for any spelling or grammar errors! Thanks everyone for the support!

"Come on wind!" Jack yelled. The wind was being playful, tossing him around, dropping him and catching him before he hit the ground. Jack was on his way to meet Loki. His brother had been bugging him for the past few days to tell him what Odin had said and he agreed to meet him. They agreed to meet in northern Canada, 50 miles north of Yellowknife. "Stop playing around!"

The wind finally listened and Jack flew straight for Canada. Minutes later Jack landed in the snow. Loki greeted him. "Hello Jack."

"Hi Lokster!" Jack smiled brightly. It was snowing slightly, but not from him. "The Avengers still haven't asked how you got out of your cell?"

"Surprisingly not." Loki admitted. "Thor has even joked about it. What did Odin tell you?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"Well... He said that," Jack hesitated. "He said that I'm not Asgardian, I'm a frost giant."

Loki burst out laughing. Jack raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, it's just that you have to be the smallest frost 'giant' ever."

"Oh and your one to talk." Jack laughed relieved. "You're not mad?"

"Why do you assume everyone would be mad if you told them something? No, I'm not mad; why would I be?" Loki asked.

"I don't know." Jack shrugged. "I feel bad for Thor. He grew up thinking he had two real brothers and neither of them were."

"Are you going to tell him? Does Joro know?" Loki asked.

Jack shook his head. "No, mom didn't know. Odin said so, but I made him promise to tell her. No I'm not going to tell Thor. I think he all ready figured it out anyways. I mean, where would I get white hair from? Sure Odin has it, but that's because he's old."

"Why don't you turn blue when it's cold?" Loki asked.

"I might. I wouldn't know if I did." Jack said.

"You're not blue now and it's freezing." Loki said.

"Are you?" Jack asked.


"Ah well, who cares?" Jack shrugged. "Come on, we need to be in New York in 10 minutes!"

"How are you planning to get there?" Loki asked. Jack smirked. "Oh no." Loki muttered. The wind picked up and Loki was swept off his feet and into the open sky. He sighed and laid back on the cushion of air. After many years of Jack's pranks he was use to being tossed around by the wind. Loki was just about to fall asleep when something smacked his face. He jumped in surprise.

"Tree!" Jack laughed. Loki grumbled annoyed. A snowflake landed on his nose and Loki burst out laughing. "Got you!"

"Aw shut up." Loki said between giggle fits. Jack laughed and flew faster. The Avengers were expecting them before sun-set. They had planned a movie night and Jack thought it would be a good time to tell them that he was blind. The winter god hoped that they would take the news the same way as the Guardians. Jack was positive that they wouldn't, especially if Tony was drunk, but Thor and Loki would be there to back him up if they thought it was a joke.

The wind guided them to one of the upper balconies of the Avenger's tower. As soon as they landed the door burst open and Thor stomped through. The god of thunder tackled his brothers into a hug.

"Thor." Jack wheezed. "Are you going to hug me every time you see me?"

"Yes! I couldn't hug my baby brother for 300 years!" Thor yelled. He squeezed them tighter.

"Do you want to suffocate us?" Loki growled. Thor laughed and threw Jack over his shoulder and tucked Loki under his arm. "What are we, sacks of oranges?"

"*I prefer apples over oranges.*" Jack said in frost giant.

"*I like pears.*" Loki responded.

"Boys! Language!" Natasha said as Thor carried them through the door.

"What? We weren't swearing!" Jack said switching back to English.

"Speak in a language we all understand." Steve mumbled.

"Fine." Loki said annoyed. Thor finally set the back on their feet.

"Um guys? I have something to tell you." Jack said nervously.

"You're pregnant!" Tony yelled.

"What?! No!" Jack said shocked. "Where did you get that idea?"

"I don't know. It was the first thing that popped into my head. Also I'm not drunk, yet." Tony laughed.

"That's pretty random; also I'm a guy, so yeah." Jack laughed. Then he became serous. He took a deep breath. "I'm blind."

"What! That's impossible!" Tony yelled in disbelief. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

Jack ignored the question. "It's true. I've been blind forever."

"But, but... What?" Clint sputtered. "Arrows?"

"Good now put the words into a sentence." Loki said sarcastically.

"But how did you shoot?" Clint asked.

"I aim for what I can hear. It's pretty easy." Jack explained.

"Someone get this kid an eye test!" Tony yelled.

"Wait, is that why you could lead us in the dark on the ship so easily?" Natasha asked. Jack nodded.

"I'm in the 'dark' 24/7. It doesn't bother me." Jack shrugged.

"I don't believe it." Steve said crossing his arms.

"This is no prank, Mr. Rogers." Loki said seriously. "It's fact."

"Steve, it makes sense. Think about it." Banner piped up.

"It is true my friends." Thor said. "You know I can't lie."

"Very true." Tony said thoughtfully. "Describe me."

"Why?" Jack asked.

"Just do it."

"Fine. Pushy, arrogant, loud, whiny if you don't get what you want, sassy. Need I go on?" Jack said.

"See that proves he's blind." Tony said ignoring the rude comment.

"How?" Steve asked.

"Jack didn't use color or physical description. Only personality traits." Bruce explained. "Things you don't need vision to see."

"I see what you did there." Clint laughed.

"Do you believe me now?" Jack asked.

"Yes I do." Steve said. "But why didn't you tell us?"

"Well, I didn't trust you guys at first. Your boss put me in a cage type thingie! Also I just met you." Jack said.

"I don't blame you. If I was in your position I wouldn't have told us either." Bruce smiled. The others agreed.

"Yay! Let's watch movies now!" Thor yelled enthusiastically. Jack smiled.

AN: Done! Now for one shots! Once in a blue moon... Just started to write my new story. This one is planned. Also it's another avengers/rotg crossover! It's going to be called Alpha.

Here's the summary-

Jack Frost. Fun, giggly, happy, irresponsible, but what if that was all wrong? What if he was a prince of Asgard? Pack leader? A father? An assassin? What the Guardians don't know can't hurt them, right? Wherewolf!Jack, Father!Jack, Assassin!Jack

Would you read it? Thanks for all favorites, follows, watches, votes and reviews! Have any questions? Just ask!

Edit: errors corrected

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