The Others

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As I woke up slowly my vision was blurry and I blinked rapidly.
     I looked around only to realize I was sitting on a street with my knees bent into a kneeling position.
     I pulled my hands as I started to get scared as I saw he soldiers pacing back and forth in front of me. The size of there guns were scaring me and I felt my hand claws start to slid out before there was a shock against my neck and i yelped. I saw one of the men turn around and look at me before he walked over.
       It was the same man from earlier who had fallowed me when they first found me running. He smiled and I cringed as it looked forced and painful. I tried to move away from him but the chains prevented me and when I struggled the collar shocked me. He held up a small box with a switch and some buttons before he said "Can't do you no good. The collar prevents mutant powers from usage"
I glared viciously up at him and spit hitting his shoes before I felt the pain again. I gritted my teeth and winced before the pain stopped and I looked up.
The man was turned to another soldiers as they watched the road ahead. I tried to struggle and move away before I called out and said "I'm a child I need a legal guardian. You can't hold me here." He turned to look back at me and he said "Your a mutant child, you don't have any right because your a terrorist. We can try and lock you away as we please because you attacked five young adults." I struggled in my chains and yelled loudly at him as I said "They attacked me it was only self defense, please let me go."
     He looked towards me before he said "Yea the girl who almost killed two humans and injured several others is innocent and should be let go." His voice was dripping in sarcasm as he looked over something else around them and I tried to struggle and pull the chains away from the ground. Slowly some cars came into view and didn't slow as they approached us. I saw many soldiers raise there weapons and crouch down ready to fire as the speed up and raced towards us.
I got a bad feeling and tried to move but the handcuffs on my hands weren't letting me get my balance enough to stand and the chains on my feet that I just noticed was bolted to the concrete.
As the truck drove faster and faster towards us till he was almost upon. I panicked and yanked before I felt my claws slash out as I flailed. The electricity serged threw me as I flailed and my whole body burned with pain. I slashed my hands out and herd the clashing of chains before I clawed at the collar on my neck and felt it pop off.
I collapsed to the ground breathing heavily as the electricity stopped flowing threw me and I could breath for a second.
I came back to reality as I saw that the truck had stopped not a foot in front of us and the soldiers were wrapping around it prepared to shoot. I gasped trying to get my breath back and shook as I tried to stand. I fell back onto my knees though when I couldn't stand.
Then though I heard a loud crashing sound and looked up. The metal cargo box on the truck was rocking back and forth rapidly and then began shaking before in a quick moment it exploded its a loud bang.
I dropped to the ground before covering my head with my claws coming from my hands. I looked up and saw the soldiers were flown about but looked overly unharmed.
There was a man on top of the truck bed were the metal walls of the container exploded firing down a bright light that almost burned my eyes just to look at it from his hands.
The soldiers hit by it dropped to the ground and I saw blood pooling from them. I saw two girls standing next to each other as one pushed soldiers back and the other shot bits of metal at them.
I saw a boy, not much older then I was, maybe 15 or 16. He was walking towards me trying to come closer but I held my claws in a defensive position and glared threatening at him. When he took a step to close I swiped forward cutting the chains on the ground into three pieces and he backed off.
There was a screeching sound and we all turned as several armored vehicles pulled up and soldiers popped out. We were surrounded.
I saw the man that I spit on from earlier come to the front of the soldiers and look at us. He was either extremely happy or just had a very evil scowl. He turned to his soldiers and said "Cuff them!"
I saw the largest girl with green hair hold out her hands defensively but her eyes showed fear at the amount of soldiers. I turned and stood towards the soldiers before tensing ready to attack. I saw one of the soldiers chuckle and walk forward with the metal cuffs before he said "What's your power little thing? Super smallness!" He laughed before I felt my rage explode and I launched forward my claws sliding out.
His eyes went very large as I stabbed my claws into his throat before turning swiftly and slashing my foot claw into the soldier next to hims throat. I felt two burning pains in my chest before turning. Soldiers were staring down there barrels at me with wide eyes. As I shifted my shoulders I heard metal drop to the ground and looked down as bullets covered in blood dropped from my chest. I looked back at the soldiers and said "Surprise!"
They pulled there guns up quickly but not quickly enough as I darted forward and slashed there throats before I leaped over there bodies as I struck down the men behind them.
One of the men grabbed me by the back of the leg and flung me to the ground. I saw him run at me before his vest was torn in half and he was thrown back against one of the vans. I turned and saw the other girl with bright blonde hair holding her hands up while the boy I saw try to get me to fallow him earlier was tearing his hands apart angrily.
I launched myself back into the swarm of soldiers as I slashed my way threw them. The pain though radiating threw my body was horrible as bullets hit me.
As I slashed my claws threw one soldiers head and as I turned to fight more, I saw retreating cars and the people who came from the truck staring at me astounded.
I looked down at my hands and realized they were covered in blood along with most of my clothes. I sighed before pulling my claws back into my hands and feet. I looked around the large area surprised at how much blood was everywhere but when totaling up the amount of people I decided it was about as much as I could expect.
As I walked over to the front of the truck I saw my bag sitting inside one of the trucks they had abandoned. I grabbed it and sling it over my shoulder before I heard a cough and I turned.
The green haired girl was closer to me now and leaning against the large truck. I got a better look at her know as I saw she had very pale skin, with emerald eyes and thin features. She wasn't short but wasn't tall either as she wore black clothing and had a green and yellow glow that swirled around her hands.
She gestured for me to fallow and said "come we can help."

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