Chapter 12

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I stand in the airport of Miami. I look around trying to find Alex. Taylor's hand is in mine as I wonder around the airport. I see a tall boy with a snapback and tattoos showing.

"Alex" I scream and run towards him.

When I reach him I jump into his waiting arms. I missed him so much. I feel him kiss the top of my forehead and I smile in his arms. After another few minutes of hugging him I let go. I walk him over to the rest of the boys. I introduce him to all the boys.

"Alex this is Taylor." I smile.

"Hurt my sister and you will be hurt" Alex smiles.

"I don't plan on ever hurting her" Taylor says calm.


"Good, then we are on the same page" Alex smiles.


"I'm shocked you made through that. But Alex we aren't dating, just friends" I laugh.


All the boys faces drop and Taylor looks hurt. Alex seems to be happy but they don't. I frown seeming like I hurt him pretty bad. I didn’t like hurting him of course but I didn’t think it would hurt him. He knows we aren’t dating so. Did he think we were? Well anyways we all pile into the car and I sit next to him and Taylor. I wait for him to say something I want him to but he doesn’t.

"Down to the chase. What are we doing?" I smile.

"I got a good one." He smiles and leans over to whisper into my ear.

"O my God how did you think of that" I smile.

"Smart ass I know" He laughs.

"What is it?" Jack asks.

"You will see" I smile.


We pull up to Walmart and we get out. We get ready and charge in. Alex has the bag around his shoulder. We go to the back of the story by the guns and ask the person there if maybe we could buy a gun.

"Yes as long as you are over 21." He says.

Alex shows him his fake ID and we are good. He pulls out some different guns and I smile at Alex.

"Well I was looking around my back yard the other day and I would a small bullet. I wanted to figure out what kind of gun it was" I smile.

"Well let me see it" He says.

I hand him a small bullet and he glances it. He places it into a gun and I smile at Alex. Alex grabs the gun and points it at the roof. The guy behind the counter begins to like pee his pants.

"Well I know I’m a sweet thing but I really needed help with this so thanks" I smile.

He unloads the gun quickly and hands it to the guy. We run out of the Walmart and I start laughing.

"That was fun" I smile.

"Yes it was." He laughs.

"What did you guys do?" Matt asks as we get inside the car.

"Only stole some stuff" I smile.

"What was it?" Aaron asks.

"Well I got some food, gum, and my favorite" I smile.

Alex holds up a gun and a small thing of bullets.

"O my god" Nash says.

We get home and we all get settled. We stay at my house since my parents were out of town. We get all comfortable at the TV before Alex turns it off.

"Laura i need to tell you something" Alex says.

"What is it?" I say worried.

"Enzo is coming for us" He says and my eyes go wide.

"Who is Enzo?" The boys ask.


Alex and I walk up to the old and broken down building that use to be a warehouse. We sneak inside and slip into the back. We travel down the halls and rooms. We slip into the final room and start shoving the packs of weed into our giant bags. We start running when the door opens. We sprint down the hallways dodging the bullets.


 "Enzo is a guy you stole weed from?" Cameron asked.

"Yep" Alex smiles.

"Dude I like you more and more" He says and the do their guy hand shake.

"Do you know what he is going to do?" I ask.

"I heard the guys talking about it and he said it wasn’t pretty" Alex frowns.



Later that night the boys made me go get doughnuts from the place across the street. I get up and start getting dressed. Leggings, tank top, and a pair of combat boots. I make sure I pack my two knifes on me. I walk across the road and I turn to see three guys. I recognize them from Enzo. I start running as fast as I can and I tumble. One of them threw themselves at me. I fight to stand up but they grab my arms and shove me against the wall. They slam my head and I scream in pain. It wasn’t smart for me running down the back of an ally.

“Stop” I beg.

They keep punching me and then I am dropped to the ground. I curl up into a ball as fast as I possibly can before I feel pain exploding all over my back and stomach. I cover my head hopping that they will stop. Small pleads escape my mouth every now in then hoping one of them will fight the monster inside of them and stop. They keep kicking me but I don’t know how much loner it went on. I blacked out.



When I wake up I look around. Great a fucking ware house. I pull at my hands but they don’t budge. I reach for my knife in my sock but of course it isn’t there. I reach for more other one but of course the fucking ties won’t budge at all. I start shaking the chair but I get to frustrated and I groan.

“Fucking thing work” I spit.

"I don’t think yelling at it will help” Enzo says.


Enzo is the kind of guy you have to take a second glance at. He is tall and hot but also seems a bit scary. He is only 25 so that makes all the girls stare. He has two sleeves of tattoos and usually has a blunt in his mouth. His clothes are always a shade of black.  His blonde hair and dark green eyes always take away the scariness of it though. But somehow I look past all that and see someone scary.

“Well hello there darling, you just couldn’t keep way from me could you.” He smiles.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I spit.

“I could make a list but that would take a while” He smiles at his joke.

“Don’t move” He says.

He grabs a bandana and rolls it up.  Someone holds my head and I try to shake it away but instead Enzo gets the bandana in my mouth. He ties it around the back side of my head. Once he finishes I am thrown from the chair. I start to run but instead I quickly grab my knife from my bra. Someone grabs me and the knife flies from my hand. I am then shoved against a giant pole. My hands are tied to the pole and Enzo walks over with the knife in his hand.

“Wasn’t the best idea bring this out honey” He says.


Bandanas and Snapbacks-Taylor CaniffWhere stories live. Discover now