twenty-three » over

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She nodded and I knew she understood. Bellamy knew I was right and there was no further protest. With our friends in mind, the three of us began forward. I prayed we wouldn't be too late.


"Y/N, behind you!"

I jabbed my gun in the gut of the guard before me then ducked as Lexa threw a knife in my direction with the utmost precision. I heard a grunt and a thud so presumed she'd gotten whoever was there. I stood up straight and shot the doubled over guard before me, killing him.

"You okay?" Lexa asked, a hint of worry in her eyes as she looked between the two dead guards and I.

I glanced behind me and saw she'd nailed him in the neck with her knife. I nodded and looked down the hall.

"Around this corner should be the bone marrow room," Bellamy informed the two of us after knocking out the final guard.

We'd stumbled across quite a few guards on our way to the bone marrow room, but we'd worked together and almost made it. There'd been no sound from the radio, so I could only hope we weren't too late.

The faint sound of grunts and groans, followed by heavy footsteps was heard, and before anyone of us could question it, we heard a gunshot.

Lexa clenched her jaw. "Come on."

Bellamy and I followed her as she ran down the hallway and rounded the corner. The sight before me took some time for my brain to register.

There were four guards huddled around somebody. One of the guards had their hands wrapped around the girl's neck. They were talking about something and the girl before them was bleeding out from a shoulder wound. However, as I looked closer, I realised it was Deka. They had Deka!

I raised my gun and took a shot to one of the guards, which made them all turn around. I had got one of them, but the others were well aware that we were there now.

I tried to shoot again, but my gun was empty, causing me to curse loudly. I heard Bellamy taking a shot as I saw a streak of blonde race forward. It was Clarke.

Everything happened so fast. Shots went all around, swords were being wielded, and Deka was bleeding out. But I was too late. Because one quick, swift shot to the head had her slumped to the ground within the second.

"Deka!" I screamed, my eyes widening as I watched her life leave her body.

I didn't care about what was happening around me as I raced towards her. I leaned down and rested my hand on her head, but I knew I was too late. The blood was coming from a hole in her head. Her eyes were fading as each second passed and she was no longer breathing.

"No," I got out, tears flooding my vision. My blood-covered hand held hers as I tried to see if there was anything I could do. "Deka, no, you're okay..."

I couldn't focus on what was before me. My head was spinning and all sound was distant. Tears blurred my vision and I wanted to throw up. Deka was gone. So quickly and I never got to say goodbye. She tried to help me. But those arseholes killed her. Stole another life.

I felt hands wrap around me and attempt to pull me away, but I remained sitting next to Deka's body. I didn't want to leave her.

All Over Again • a Lexa/You FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ