How you meet

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Ian: You and Ian met after Linda hired Ian. You had to show the new boy what to do around the shop. You guys connected almost immediately.

Mickey: Mickey would come into Kash and Grab and steal whatever he wanted. One day, you were moody so when Mickey came in to get what he wanted, instead of just ignoring him like you use to, you pull out your gun and stand in front of the door. He liked the wild side of you and from then on started paying as well as sticking around to chat to you.

Lip: You were new to the college and Lip was helping all the freshmen settle into their dorms. You had to get help from him to find your dorm. Before he left, he slipped you his number, you know for just in case ;).

Carl: You met Carl when you went to buy a gun from him. Your dad was abusive at home and you needed a way to protect yourself. Carl wanted to know why such a beautiful girl needed a gun and became to follow you around. 

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