Chapter 4: New plan

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"Run, run, run!" Dan shouted while sprining away from the horde he accidentally attracted.

     The trio of survivors were being chased by only a fraction of New York, but a fraction is more than enough for the Big Apple. Ana had no trouble keeping pace, but her partners had their own problems. V was being weighted down by her rifle, while dan was being clumsy. It looked like he had never ran in his life.

     As time went on, their sprint turned into a jog, and their jog turned into a fast-walk. They were still moving faster than their pursuers, but they didn't tire.

"Well, we're in a predicament, aren't we?" Dan joked.

"It's certainly not a good time," V said.

"Maybe we can kill them all?" Ana asked.

"Yeah, the three of us against zombie New York," Dan said. "I don't see that ending well."

     They ran into one of the houses to catch their breath. Dan sat on the couch and tried to turn on the TV. He knew it wouldn't work. 

"Well, I've gotta take a piss," V said, as if nothing was trying to kill them. "I'm gonna check upstairs."

"Try not to get eaten," Dan said.

"So..." Ana said, trying to make conversation. "Where are you from?"

"A little town in Orange County," Dan answered. "This Orange County, not the one in California. You?"

"I'm a local," Ana said.

"You're leaving home?" Dan asked.

"For the first time too,"Ana said.

"Sorry it couldn't be a field trip or a vacation."

     They heard a scream from upstairs. V found something bad. Dan and Ana rushed upstairs, weapons in hand, to fix the problem. What they found wasn't a problem. At least, not for them. It was an ugly scene. A young woman, maybe their age, dead in the bathtub, with her wrists slit.

"That's unfortunate," Dan said, unable to find a better word. V looked like she was about to throw up.

"I'm gonna go downstairs," she said while holding her hand over her mouth and nose.

"Should we bury her or something?" Ana asked.

"No," Dan answered. "We have bigger things to worry about."

"Guys!" V shouted from downstairs. "Problem!"

     The neighbors were at the house and pounding on the door, windows, and any other openning. One was even trying to crawl in through a dog door. Ana smashed a window that the zombies hadn't reached and the three jumped out unnoticed. They had escaped their pursuers for the time being and were able to relax.

"That was dangerous," Dan said jokingly.

"I agree," V said. "Let's get back to moving."

"But how are we ever going to get anywhere if that happens every ten feet?" Ana asked.

"I don't know," Dan answered. "But I think I have an idea."

     He walked towards a lone car in the middle of the street and tried the door. Unlocked. He pulled the late driver out of the seat and checked inside. The keys were there. They were able to at least get to New Jersey.

"Everyone pile in," he said. "I'll drive."

On the way to extinction (Discontinued, will be rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now