Chapter Twenty- Eight

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Im sorry that I haven't updated in a while I've been real busy but I'm back & I'm better! Enjoy P.S you might want to read the last couple of chapters to refresh your memory of what happened previously in the story


I was applying the finishing touches to my makeup when I caught a glimpse of Harlem's reflection in the mirror. She was sat on my bed sniffling as tears fell from her eyes.

Seeing my baby girl like this broke my heart. She barely spoke or ate since I broke the news to her about Nia. They were so close and I know she was hurting bad but she wouldn't talk to me.

"Come here baby." I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled her into my lap. "I know you miss her. I do too but we gotta be strong today, for nana & daddy." I wiped away her tears as she rested her head on my chest.

The door opened and I looked up to see Jay. "Hey baby. Khyree should be here in an hour to get Bronx, if he says anything stupid, ignore him I think he's lost his mind." I was going to bring Bronx with me but Khyree argued against it, arguing that 'Bronx isn't Dave's family'.

"Where are you going?" Jay asked. I squinted my eyes at him. Either he didn't hear what I said yesterday or didn't want to. "To see Dave." I replied in a 'duh' tone. "Again?"

"Yes again. His mom just died Jayceon. I'm sure if your mom died you would want me there with you too." I argued. He was making a big deal out of nothing. "Doesn't he have a girlfriend for that?"

"I told you the funeral today and he needs me so don't expect me to be home tonight..."

"You're playing right?!" He semi yelled and I rolled my eyes at myself for using the wrong choice of words. I slid Harlem out of my lap and walked over to him. "I didn't mean it like that. What I was meant to say is that I'm staying late to help out with he funeral stuff so I'll be home later. Maybe in the early morning." I explained and gently placed my hands on his chest.

He moved my hands off him. "You didn't say that Nic."

"You fucking him?" He asked randomly and I heard Harlem gasp at him cursing. "What?! No. You're paranoid and I'm not about to sit here and entertain this- Harlem! Come on we're leaving." I picked her up and left without saying anything else to him.

We was at the church service for Nia's funeral and it was packed. I didn't know she knew this many people. Dave and his family including Harlem were sat on the front row whilst I sat towards the back.

"We'll now hear a poem from Nia's daughter Kayla." The reverend announced and Kayla walked up to the front shaking. She started to say a few words, before she could finish Dave got up and walked out.

I quickly jumped up and ran after him. He was sat outside on the steps crying. I sat next to him and rubbed his arm, trying my best to comfort him. "I can't do it Nic." Dave said. "Yes you can."

He shook his head. "I can't. How do you expect me to bury my mom."

"Look at me." I grabbed his face but he pulled away. "Dave, look at me." He finally look over, I reach up and removed his sunglasses, revealing his watering eyes. I cupped his face and wiped away his tear.

"It's gonna be alright because I'm right here."

"Baby." We turned around to see Kristen stood behind us. "Are you okay?" She asked Dave. "Yeah." He stood up and grabbed her hand before going back inside.

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