Chapter Twenty-One

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I was at home about to take a nap when Laira called me, I was excited to speak to her since I haven't seen her in a while. "Hey girl what-" She cut me off and started speaking over me. "I know you're busy but I just called to ask what time it starts?"

I frowned she wasn't making any sense. "What starts? What are you talking about Laira?"

"Harlem's party." She said in a duh tone which confused me even more because Harlem wasn't having a party. Not that I knew of. "Harlem's party?"

"Yes girl-" She paused and gasped. "wait you didn't know? Wow Dave's real petty." I rolled my eyes. "Give me details Laira." She sighed and started to explain what was going on. "I got a message from Dave the other day it was an invite to Harlem's birthday party."

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I semi-yelled, she was suppose to be my best friend and she was here keeping secrets from me. "I thought you knew."

"I haven't spoken to Dave in months."

"Yeah but I thought you put your differences aside and were co-parenting for Harlem's birthday."  "So he's having a party for my daughter and didn't tell me." I mumbled. "When is it?" "Today."

"Today?!" I repeated surprised. "Yeah that's why I called you. I accidentally deleted the invite and I couldn't remember what time it started...I hope you're not mad at me Nic I really thought you knew." She whined and I could tell she was pouting. "I'm not mad. I'm going to that party tho." I stood up and started getting ready to go. "I don't think that's a good idea." She said as I cautiously reached for Brooklyn, trying not to disturb her sleep. "It's my daughters birthday Laira. Can you come and pick me up and we'll go together?"

"Fine but just remember this is a kids party don't be going all crazy in front of people." She warned.

"Let me know when you see them." I said to Laira as we walked through the venue where Dave was throwing Harlem's party.

"Nic..." Laira said whilst tapping my shoulder. "Look." She said pointing over at Dave, Harlem and some random. "Who the fuck is that?" I started walking over to them but Laira stopped me. "Stay calm."

"No I wanna know why that woman is holding my daughter." I pulled away and marched over to them. "What do you think you're doing?!" I yelled at Dave who took one look at me then turned away. "Hello? Dave I'm talking to you."

"Hi mommy." Harlem waved. "Hey baby... Dave are you gonna explain what's going on?" He sighed and finally gave me his full attention. "What does it look like? I'm having a party for MY daughter."

"Without telling me?" Out of nowhere the girl stood next to him decided to open her mouth to defend him. "He was going to but-". "Do I know you?" She smirked then held our her hand for me to shake. "We haven't met but I'm Kristen, Dave's girl friend."

"So the answer to my question is no. I don't know you so I don't know why you think it's okay to involve yourself in my business."

"Who-" before she got a chance to say anything else  back Dave interrupted her. "Just go home Nicki. Why are you even out, didn't you just have a baby."

"That's got nothing to do with what's going on right now." I argued then looked over at this 'Kristen' chick. "I don't want her around my daughter and you was out of line to do this without telling me."

"Are you done?"

"Fuck you." I spat and I heard Harlem gasp shortly after. All of a sudden Dave grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me to the side. "Are you crazy?! You don't see all these kids running round here and you're cursing all loud." He yelled at me. "I don't care!"

"Exactly you don't care about nobody but yourself then you wonder why I don't tell you anything." I rolled my eyes and turned away from him that's when I noticed Kristen still had Harlem in her arms. "Why are you still holding my child? Put her down!"

She shook her head and laughed like something was funny. "You think I'm joking?" I reached for Harlem but I felt Dave grab my waist and pull me back. "Get off me Dave!"

"Then leave! Why do you always wanna start trouble." He yelled as his mom approached us. "What's going on here? Nicki. I should have known it was you making all this noise...You couldn't act civil for one day?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes and told her "Mind your business Nia."

She tilted her head to the side a little and sucked her teeth. "What is wrong with you Nicole?" I waved her off and grabbed Dave's hand. "Dave I'm sorry." He pulled away quickly. "You said that already."

"Yeah but I really mean it. I'm sorry for everything if I could take it all back I would." I honestly regretted sleeping with Izzy and having Brooklyn because if it didn't happen I would still be with Dave. Just then Laira came up to us carrying Brooklyn in her carrier. "Nic come on."

"Why'd you bring her here Laira?!" Dave yelled at her.  "Harlem's her daughter too!" Laira argued.

• • • •

"He hates me." I mumbled as I watched Laira rock Brooklyn to sleep.  "No he doesn't." She sighed.

"He does. Did you see the way he looked at me? It's over."


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