Chapter Eight

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It was Khyree's nieces birthday and he insisted that I bought Bronx along but today just happened to be one of the days that Bronx was in a mood and was currently throwing a massive tantrum outside of the party.


"You better stop shouting at me before I go in there and call your dad." I warned. "No!" He yelled again and held his arms up for me to pick him up.

I shook my head. "You're three years old now I'm not going to be carrying you around." I said and he threw himself down on the floor, crying. "I'm not playing with you little boy, get up."

I reached for his arm but he swung, hitting me in my jaw. Before I could react we heard someone yell. "Aye!" I turned around to see Ky coming over to us.

"What's all that yelling about?" He asked. "Get your son."

"Bronx get up man." He went over to Bronx and reached to pick him up. "No don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Carry him, you're spoiling him put him down." I said. "You want me to put him down so he start screaming again?" "Exactly. Come on Jhene's asking for you." He said talking about his sister.

"Nicki! You guys made it." Jhene squealed happily running over to us. "Bronx! You've got so big come here." She said taking him from Ky.

"I really wish everyone would stop carrying him." I mumbled. "Shut up." Khyree said as he squeezed my arm.

"RoRo!" Bronx said before jumping down and running off to go see Jhene's daughter.

"Y'all want something to drink?" I shook my head. "No thanks." To be honest I didn't even want to be here for two reasons: I didn't get along with anybody in Khyree's family except Jhene and to make things even worse 3 of Khyree's other children were here with their moms who also happened to hate me.

I had been at the party for three hours now and I was ready to go. I started looking for Bronx so we could leave. "Bronx?" I called going over to the place I saw him last. I panicked when I didn't see him. "Bronx!" I yelled.

"Have you seen Bronx?" I asked Khyree's aunt who was doing face painting for the kids. "No sorry."

"RoRo come here! Where's Bronx?" She shrugged and skipped away. I placed hands behind my head and took deep breaths before running over to Khyree who was happily taking pictures with his family.

 I placed hands behind my head and took deep breaths before running over to Khyree who was happily taking pictures with his family

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"What?! I'm busy." He replied. "I can't find Bronx." His smile dropped and I noticed him clench his jaw. "What are you talking about?"

"Nobody's seen him." I said as my eyes started to water. The back gate was open and I couldn't help but think somebody came in here and snatched him. "How the fuck did you lose him?!" Khyree yelled grabbing my arm roughly and pulled me away from the crowd.

"I didn't lose him! I just don't know where he is right now!" I argued. "Khyree please. We gotta find him."

"Relax, I'll find him." He said calmly whilst taking his phone out of his pocket and calling somebody.

When Khyree ended the call he went off without telling me where he was going, leaving me no choice but to stay here worrying. I was sat on the porch thinking the worst that could possibly happen until I heard Bronx and Khyree's voices. I looked up and instantly jumped up when I saw my baby.

"BRONX!" I kneeled down and cupped his face. "Are you okay baby?" He nodded. I pecked his lips then turned my attention to Ky. "Where did you find him?"

"It doesn't matter." He shrugged. "Yes it does. Where was my son Khyree?"

"He wasn't in no danger, he was just chilling with Shad and Ty." I frowned Shad and Ty were our hoods version of Ace & Mitch, they were always getting in trouble with the law and in the streets but always had each other's backs. "That doesn't even make sense."

"They said they found him walking outside by himself." He shrugged like it was completely normal for Bronx to be around them. "And they didn't think to call and say where he was?!"

"I don't know why you're yelling and shit, if you was doing your job and watching him, we wouldn't be in this situation." He said raising his voice at me and I noticed him growing angry so I just rolled my eyes and picked up Bronx.

"Why did you go off by yourself?" I asked but he just turned away from me. "Look at me, why baby?"

"See Dave and Harley."

"Okay but you can't just off like that, I was worried about you. Next time you wanna go somewhere you gotta ask."

"Ky!" Someone yelled calling Ky from across the street, he gave them a head nod letting them know was coming. Out of nowhere he grabbed my jaw and kissed me, I kissed back and I felt his hands move down to my neck. He pulled away from the kiss and his grip around my neck got tighter. "You better not lose my son again." He warned before releasing his hold.

"Mommy?" Bronx said quietly. We were now at home and currently laying on my bed watching one of his cartoons. "Yes baby."

"Why Dave Harley daddy and not mine?" He asked innocently catching me off guard. We never brought up the subject of him and his sister having different fathers, I didn't think he cared. "Uhh because mommy loves both Dave and your daddy."

"But-" I quickly cut him off. "I think you're baths ready." I helped him down off the bed and held his hand leading to the bathroom.


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