I Miss You, Asshole. - Awkward Moments.

Start from the beginning

Just then, the devil himself comes striding by.

Miranda gasps and buries her head in her locker.

Quinn pays no attention to her and makes a beeline for me. "Look; I don't know what I did wrong, but this PMS shit is hella annoying." He said with a hard look.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah I'm PMS'ing. I suggest dealing with it or get lost." My sudden boldness was partly from Miranda standing there giving me an impressed nod and also, I was getting tired of being talked down to.

Quinn sighs in frustration. I knew he was trying to get something out. "Sorry."

As soon he was out of ear shot, Miranda grabs my arm. Hard. 

"Ohemybgoshxswhyrhdidn'hjntyoutellzxmedfyoutalkmkutorgsQuinnpoeaTyler?!" She babbled.


"I said," Miranda sighs. "Why didn't you tell me you talk to Quinn?"

"I didn't know you were into him until today."

"Mhm, ever since year five. But Aiden's been cock-blocking me for the longest."

"Because he's madly in love with you!" We sing in unison.

The warning bell sounds as we walk into 1st period. We both take our rightful places across the room from each other, and pay attention to the board.

Aiden grins my way before passing me a note. 'Hey, how about another date? :)'

I froze. Did Aiden not know I was dating Logan? Now that I think about it longer, Logan and Aiden weren't exactly on speaking terms. But what over?

Thankfully, Mr. Z yells at us not to pass notes and demands our attention through the whole period. I was actually glad to be learning about dissecting frogs other than explaining to Aiden anything.

After class, he follows Miranda and I down the hallway. It's quite awkward.

He's just...walking there. As if nothing's wrong. I'm squished in the middle as he looks forward and Miranda makes stupid faces at him. As for me, I'm focusing on the walk to my next period before Aiden could ask the question again.

"Wait up!"

I didn't know the statement was directed at me until a pair of warm strong arms pulled me back into a backwards embraces.

Logan face was resting on my shoulder and kissing my cheek. "Hey you."

"Hey to you too, stranger." I grin.

The touch of Logan never grew old. His fingers tingle on my hips and the temptation to kiss him was unbearable. Don't forget the caterpillars, they still had parties in my stomach every time.

But, PDA earned you a detention. No exceptions.

Without warning, Logan spins me around and kisses me in the middle of the hallway. His hands find my waist and my hands find his. 

Logan's lips were soft and warm. They pressed hard with love. My lips tingled with excitement. Logan was the best kisser ever.

"Mr. Holster, Miss Grey," Our last hour teacher gives us a hard glare. His next two word stops us completely. "Lunch detention."

Lunch detention is basically detention during lunch. You get a small bag full of a tiny ham sandwich, a bag of pretzels, and chocolate milk. You eat it and keep quiet while the monitor - Betty (of course) watches you.

Other than Logan and I, a kid with white blond hair is sleeping in the back with his head buried in his jacket.

"Quiet everyone." Betty snarls, her wrinkles multiplying as she scowls. "I'm gonna watch Lifetime in the other room."

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