Chapter 24 (Balcony love)

Start from the beginning

Amal had the most peaceful night rest,she woke up in time and prayed too. Took her bath and dressed in a purple floral gown and wrapped her head with a purple scarf. She wore a pair of flip flop sandals and took everything she needed in her bag. She didn't hear from Hafsah so she decided to call her. She picked up after about two failed attempts at reaching her singalling that she was still asleep.
"Hafsah what are you still doing in bed?... did you pray subh? Oh my God it's almost 7am now !."
Amal exclaimed through the phone upon hearing Hafsah's groggy voice.

"Arrgghh relax I'm off salat mom. I'll be ready in a few,where should i meet you?"

She responded sarcasm evident in her tone.

"Oh my bad,meet me at the cafeteria then. What should i order for you?"

"Anything you order,i eat what ever edible thing that comes my way. Catch up later".


They both hung up and Amal set out to the cafetaria to get some coffee first and order breakfast for them.

At the cafeteria, she saw him seated as calmly as always,and looking as charismatic as ever. That was when it dawned on her that she slept off yesterday contemplating whether to call him or not. Oh no,she really hopes she didn't call him and made a stupid mess out of her self. She quickly took out her phone and checked her call history. She gave a sigh of relief seeing that he wasn't among her recently contacted contacts.
Sighing she got herself some coffee and ordered fries with bacons for their breakfast. She scanned the cafeteria looking for a vacant spot far away from where he was sitting to seat. Just then her eyes landed on him and his eyes immidiately caught her gaze. He smiled and waved at her motioning to a vacant table not far from him for her to seat. Not that she had a choice so she waved back and made her way to the table.

"Assalamualaikum "
She said as she sat in the table across from him putting her bag down.

"Waalaikumussalam. How are you Amal?".

"I'm fine Alhamdulillah."
She responded feeling uneasy with her cheeks heating up.

He noticed how she had been fiddling with the hem of her scarf her nervousness clearly showing. He didn't expect to see her at the cafeteria today so he considered himself lucky and he wouldn't waste the opportunity of talking with her.

"You know we've got workshop class by 9 a.m. right? "
He questioned looking at her.

"Yes i have the schedule of our activities."

"That's great,i was thinking maybe....."
Mid sentence his phone rang stopping him from finishing his sentence.

"Sorry gotta pick this,excuse me".

He excused himself to answer his call. She really wished that phone call didn't distract what he wanted to say. As nervous as she was,she was enjoying the little conversation that was about to stir between them. She finished her coffee and began eating her food. Just then Hafsah's call came through. Grinning inwardly she answered.
"Where are you seated? I can't find you."

"I'm at the third table from your right. I can see you,look up i am waving at you".
Amal answered waving her hand in the air so that Hafsah could see her. She finally spotted her and came through. She plopped down on the chair with her breath heaving.

"Did you take the stairs instead of the elevator that you're panting like this?" Amal questioned trying to supress her laugh from how dramatic her new friend is.

"Nah,spotting you was difficult for me that's why i got tired".
Hafsah responded as she attacked her food like it was a prey.
They finished eating and set to join the rest of the team for the workshop lecture.
The walked to the conference room of the hotel where the workshop will take place.
She spotted Malik and with Hafsah a little far from where he was seated with some of the team members. Few minutes after they were all seated,the people in charge of the workshop came in and the workshop started.

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