Dipper, (y/n), and Mabel vs. the Future

Start from the beginning

"That's not the only good news coming up!" he said excitedly. "In one week, my senior citizen ponytail kit is coming in the mail!"

He held up the magazine to show them the corny ad.

He noticed that everyone was staring at him awkwardly.

"I'm...I'm kinda going through some things" he said.

"In one week, my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed!" said Soos. "The future is coming for us all, dudes!"
"The future!" said Stan.

"The future!" said Dipper.

"The future!" said Mabel.

Dipper laughed at her statement.

"Sorry, I can't take you seriously with that face on your chin" he said.

"What face, Dipper?" said Mabel boisterously.

Dipper chuckled. He pointed at her.

"You're doing the voice, so you obviously know what I'm talking about" he said.

"Bi bon't bnow bhat bour'e balking about!"

Dipper laughed again, and lightly shoved his sister as the two of them made their way downstairs.

"There is something wrong with you" he said.

"There's something wrong with all of us" Mabel replied.

In the kitchen, there were three pans of bacon, eggs, and hash browns cooking on the stove. However, the actual stove didn't appear to be on.

(y/n) couldn't figure out how to turn it on, so instead she had duct taped the plasma blaster and each of the rocket boots upside down to the stove, and had the pans of food sitting on top of them while the inventions were turned on.

(y/n) herself was currently mixing a bowl of pancake batter with a wooden spoon on a counter a few feet away from the stove.

"Now what am I forgetting?" she asked herself aloud, trying to remember the other ingredients.

Instead of pulling out the recipe card, she took out a small vial of purple memory serum from her toolbelt, and poured it over her head.

She blinked as her eyes started to glow a purple hue, before finally dying back down to their usual color.

"Oh, that's right!" she said. "Milk, sugar, and salt!"

She added in those three ingredients, and started to whisk away, not really caring that pancake batter was splattering everywhere, when suddenly she heard a new voice.

"This is an ingenious breakfast system, (y/n)!"
(y/n) jumped back in surprise, almost dropping the pancake batter before turned towards the door to see who had spoken.

It was Ford.

"Oh, sorry for startling you" he said apologetically.

(y/n) held up her hands.

"It's fine" she said, as she put the bowl of pancake batter down onto the counter.

Ford looked around at the messy kitchen, all the food cooking on the stove, and the batter that she had been mixing.

"Is it a special occasion?"

"Actually, it's me, Dipper, and Mabel's thirteenth birthday in exactly a week from today!" replied (y/n) cheerfully.

Ford's face brightened.

"Ah, well congratulations!" he said. He then leaned in close to her. "Although, you must be careful. After all, it's scientifically proven that too many birthdays can actually kill you."

Gravity Falls The Pines Triplets (Reader Included!)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara