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Wednesday, November 1, 2017

12:01 am

"I will never EVER watch Wolf Creek again." You exclaimed sincerely and surely, hands down the strongest statement you've ever made.

"Which one? The first one or the second one?" The dark haired male shifted from his position, dusting off the popcorn from his blanket. His voice hoarse as he replied to you, a sound that you haven't heard in almost an hour. It felt quite comforting to hear him again.

"Both! Both movies are horrifying! This is the birth of my phobia for serial killers." You wrapped your blanket around your head and fixed your sitting position while the credits roll. You looked at your phone and melted at the sight. His hair was all over the place and his dark eyes illuminated from the laptop screen. He was pressing some buttons on the laptop and bit his lip, a habit that you learn when he's thinking or nervous. He let's go of his lips and slightly opened his mouth, an unconscious habit that you noticed too. You faintly smiled at him - even in the middle of fear, he still manages to make your heart flutter. He looked at you and smirked "Checking me out?". "Oh please, I was waiting for the next movie." You snarled back and let go of the cozy blanket for a second then reached for a packet of chips above your phone.

When you returned back to your spot in front of your laptop, you picked up the phone and looked at him. His ears are beet red and a faint flush was evident on his cheeks, you raised an eyebrow. "Uhh...uhm..." He stuttered unable to talk straight and avoided your gaze. "What's wrong?" You leaned in curiously. "Uhm... make sure to always p-pull your shirt u-up." He blurted out, still unable to meet your eyes. You bit your lip, embarrassed and dropped the phone. Oh god, he didn't need to see that. You have to be careful next time or the sexual tension might rise up again. Last time that happened, you were suffocating inside.

"So next movie?" Yoongi regained his composure and looked up at you. You let go of your bite and nodded weakly. He picked the movie and you set the next film you're about to see.

As you both settled back in, you focused on Yoongi while the intro played out. He was slightly gaining back the weight he has lost. It was a slow process, not that he's anorexic, but food wasn't his best friend. After recovering in the hospital for three days until he was strong enough to come back home, all of you took a close eye on him especially you. You reminded him to eat always, to leave his room once in awhile, don't stress about composing and just relax. He's getting healthier and healthier each day and you could honestly see the difference. You beamed at the thought.

Goodnight. - Min YoongiKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat