240 18 14

Thursday, September 14, 2017

1:26 pm

"Okay so I need that one paper in Literature to pass! Please Y/N you've got to help me." Jungkook begged and followed you to your locker with his hands together as if he was praying to the Almighty Man up there. You raised an eyebrow at him and chucked your books to your messy locker as you walked away with his trailing behind you. Fidgeting a couple of folders, you finally found the paper he needed and tossed it. "Here you go!" You yelled as you made a turn and waited for his response. A couple of clumsy footsteps later, he made the turn too and approached you. He grinned at you, said his thanks, and soon started typing down the notes he needed in his laptop in hand.

You two finally sat on your usual table. Jungkook was engaged on his note taking, your two other friends, Namjoon and Seokjin, soon trailed behind and sits in front of you - the two of them deep in some sort of conversation about music and beauty. That soon reminded you to continue your drawing that you have started in Eng. Lit. You fished out your drawing utensils and book, flipping over to the new page that you just started on. It was a fish in the making and some other abstract factor you were going for, seeing stray lines creating an illusion of ripples on the page, you decided to make the fish more detailed and bold so that it won't drown in ripples.

"Hey guys!" A bubbly Taehyung soon appeared behind you, his lunch and 4 more drinks served on the table. The three other men thanked their friend and went back to whatever they were doing before. Your phone beeped, a notification probably. You took your phone and glanced up to Taehyung, who seemed preoccupied with annoying Jungkook as his mission currently. Unlocking your phone, it was that cocky jerk @minsugapd again. Rolling your eyes in real life, you started typing

@minsugapd liked a post...

You: Missed me?

Him: I was merely admiring your work, just an appreciation towards an artist.

You: Aww I'm touched, truly. It took blood, sweat and tears to create the finest just for you sire.

Him: Indeed the finest Madame.

You: I seemed to detect no trace of sarcasm. Could the legends be true?! Has the man of arrogance finally stepped down and humbled?!

Him: I'm afraid that this man of arrogance hasn't reached down to your level yet but please do believe my honest appreciation to your art.

You: Ahhh fuck off. I thought you were softening down damn.

Him: Had you fooled? Hahahaha

You: Anyway, did you have a good night's sleep?

Him: Ha! I believe in the saying "Sleep is for the weak". I don't sleep, I have work to do.

You: Don't overdo yourself

Him: Are you worried for me? That's cute.

You: Hell no, why would I? I was just checking if I'm talking to a sane man, not a psychopath.

Him: And how does my sleep affect you exactly?

You: While you sleep, my phone could finally rest without your cockiness virus spreading all over it.

Him: Hahahaha that's a good one.

You: What do you do anyway?

Him: I guess that's for you to find out.

You: Aww come on.

2:30 pm

You hear the bell rang and groaned. Standing up, you walked to your next class in the next block. It was a risky walk as you were still typing to him.

You: I still have school, lunch's over. Gtg

Him: I'll be waiting for your return Madame

You: Very well, sire. We will engage the continuation of our conversation some other time.

Him: Agreed Madame. Have a good day.

You: Bye

Him: Goodnight

Confusion hits you as you sat in your seat. You replied back-

You: Goodnight?

You never got a response.

Goodnight. - Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now