She looked around once more and took a deep breath. "Where are you!?!?" She screamed and threw the phone at the dumpster you hid behind. You flinched and covered you mouth with your hands, trying hard not to move or make a sound.

After a few seconds, the strange girl had walked away, leaving you being traumatized from the intense situation. You peeked out and saw nobody around and decided it was safe to walk out again. Slowly you stood up and walked around the dumpster, observing the destroyed phone in the ground. 

You look back down the street, getting ready for an ambush or attack incase it was a trap.  Just as you were thinking about the attack that could happen at any moment, you heard a thud behind you.

Preparing yourself for a fight, you turned right around, ready to swing at the person that was about to come up on you.

However, instead of seeing that girl or one of your kidnappers, it was a scared Donnie.

Right before you could hit him, he had blocked your swing with his staff, causing a loud sound to echo throughout the empty street.

You both looked at each other with shock and relief, feeling the weight of worry leave both of you.

You dropped the bloody stick and ran into Donnie's arms.

As you two hugged one another, Leo, Mickey and Raph jumped down along side you both. Mickey 'Awed' and came running to hug you guys also.

When you three released, Donnie had his hands on your shoulders, observing your body for any injuries. You gently brushed off his hands, reassuring him you were fine.

"It's okay Donnie, I'm okay!" You say and smile at his nurturing side.

"Um, well then whose blood is this!?" Cried Raph as he picked up the stick. Everyone looked at you, waiting for an answer.

"Weeell, im gonna have to tell you later. But right now, there's this girl looking for me. She was just here a minute ago." You say and look back down the street from where she came.

They all looked at one another and instantly took out their weapons. You get ready for was about to happen and listened for an answer or some sortve explanation for why they were arming themselves.

"(Y-y/n), was this girl, um, I don't know, seem a little angry or terrifying?!" Said Donnie.

You thought for a moment and came to the conclusion that she was a little intense.

"She was talking on the phone, who I assumed we're the kidnappers, but she did mention Shredder." You say.

After you said this, they all instantly froze. Knowing shredder was their greatest enemy, you never thought they would be this frightened of the guy. You shuffled a little bit and looked towards Donnie.

"Sooo, are we going to go before she comes back?" You question.

They all were broken out of their trance and looked towards you with the realization that karai could be coming back with a whole army.

"(Y/n), did karai mention anything else when she was talking with the Purple Dragons?" Leo asks

'Karai? Purple Dragons? Is that their names?' you thought. You look back up at leo and shook your head.

"She only mentioned about finding me before tomorrow." You say. A realization suddenly then occurred to you.

You were going to get kidnapped again, but maybe this time with 2x more the force. You shiver at the thought of being held captive once again, not liking the idea of being taken from your now happy life.

Donnie walks beside Leo and whispers something to him. Leo looks strait at you and let's out a sigh.

"You're right...Okay. (Y/n), we all insist that you stay with us for the weekend, knowing that shredder is after you, we can't have your life be put in danger when we can do something about it."

You didn't even think a out their offer and simply said yes. You all made a plan for Raph and Donnie to take you home to get your necessities for the weekend, while Leo and Mickey go to inform April and Casey about the situation.

On your way back home, it was already 6 in the afternoon. Since it was winter, the sun was already going down. And just like in the morning, barely anybody was outside. You heard from a couple people at school that some families went out if the city for the fear if the aliens attacking again.

Raph then again asks about the blood as you was thinking about the people who stayed in the city and who left. You explained what had happened, first by saying how they treated you and shoved you into a can, then you came up with the idea of attacking at the right moment.

"Good thing that driver was reckless, or else I would probably be in a dungeon by now." You say. Donnie and Raph both seemed terrified from your story and thought about what you said.

"So! You mean to tell me you stabbed a guy?! Like through his chest!? Geez (y/n)! You're cold blooded!!" Raph says and nudges Donnie. "She's a keeper!" He wishers to him, causing him to blush.

After we finally made it to your apartment, Donnie asked if he could set up cameras in all the rooms. You agreed to it and quickly hurried along to get your things.

As you gathered your belongings and shoved them into a duffel bag, Donnie was putting up security cameras in the apartment and Raph was in the kitchen heating up the oven pizza that you never made.

When I walked out, Donnie just had finished hiding the wires, making the room look like nothing had happened to it.

"It's just in case you're parents come home, then I'll get notified and make sure you get home to them safely. But if Shredder is the one who comes, I don't know when you'll be able to come back here." He sadly says.

I thought about the idea of staying in the sewers my whole life, living away from society to be kept safe with mutated animals who were like family to me. I simply smiled at the idea and shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright with me! Let's go!" I say and grab the source of pizza Raph just took out of the oven.

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