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~Adam's POV~

"Hannah's...dead." Rene's words punched me in the stomach, knocking the wind out of me. Not just when she said them, but over and over, like it would never stop.

I hung up the phone, and put it in my pocket. I raced out the front door, and heard it slam behind me as I got into the car once again. My tires screeched obnoxiously when I pulled out of the driveway. Who cares if it was 6 in the morning?

I sped down the street, driving straight through a red light at the main road.

I didn't care how many people yelled and blasted their horns at me;

I just needed to see Hannah, no matter what.


~Rene's POV~


Shark attack.

Lost an arm.

Kicked out of the house.

Hit by a car.

Practically brain dead.


I listed off all of the terrible things Hannah had been through since Adam had adopted her. I felt like crying, but there were no tears left.


Seven terrible things had happened to Hannah in a year and a half.

The worst I had been through in my whole life was breaking my leg right before a gymnastics meet when I was nine.

That was obviously not even a mile close to being like what Hannah had endured.

And now it was all over.

No more jokes, no more laughs, no more comfort, no more searching, no more nothing.

Except regret.

"Rene?" Adam walked into the waiting room and sat down next to me.

"What happened?" Adam asked me, his eyes red and puffy.

"I-I'll tell you later," I said, bursting into tears once more.

Another hour. We sat in the silence of the waiting room. Waiting. Waiting to hear that Hannah was okay, that the doctor and nurses had saved her.

But I didn't think it was possible at this point.

Even if you bring a brain dead person back to life, won't they still be brain dead? Then you'll be all happy that you're friend is back with the living, then bam. She'll just die again.

Twenty-seven minutes before the doctor came to retrieve us.

"Mr. Dahlberg?" the doctor called. Adam stood up.

"Yes?" Adam asked nervously.

"We have saved your daughter-"

I jumped up and pumped my fists in the air.

"WOO-HOO!" I cried.

Adam smiled broadly, thanking the doctor.

"Would you like to see her?" the doctor yelled to get our attention. I stopped jumping, and returned my attention to him.

"She's alright," he told us.

"Thank you!" Adam replied.

He then left to give us some time alone with Hannah.

"Hey, Hannah!" I exclaimed. She waved.

"How are you doing?" Adam asked.

"Okay," she replied.

"Oh, Hannah!" I gasped.

She shrugged.

"No big deal," she said.

"Yeah, that's actually a big deal," Adam spoke up.

Then he leaned down to be face-to-face with Hannah.

"Look Hannah, I know that it's all my fault this has all happened to you. I shouldn't have ever kicked you out. But we need you at home. Everyone does. It's miserable without you. We need to take care of you through this. Can you, please, when you feel up to it, come back home with us? This isn't going to be easy to deal with, and we're willing to help in whatever way we can. Okay?" Adam said, looking right into Hannah's eyes.

She nodded.

"Alright. I love you."

Adam smiled, giving Hannah a big hug.

"I love you too," he said.

"And I love both of you! Let's go home already," I laughed.

Adam stood back up to normal height, going out in the hall to talk to the doctors. They said we could leave, as long as we kept a close eye on her and gave her prescription pain-killers, so Hannah got dressed back into her regular clothes, and we headed out the main entry.

We piled into the car, and Adam drove us home.


A place that would be complete once again, now that Hannah would be there.

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