"Thank god you're the—". "What the heck was that for" before he can finish his saying, Mi-so cuts him off and she pushes him away "Goddammit Jungkook! Think before you act would you?". The girl turns her heel and walks to her previous place to grab all of her stuffs, with Jungkook trails her from behind.

"Are you mad?" he asks as he watches she keeps all of her stuffs. Mi-so stops what she's doing and sends him a glare that make Jungkook gulps and takes a step to the back. "I thought we agree to act like we don't know each other in school" she hooks her right hand on her hips as she waits for his answer.

"Oh come on" Jungkook walks closer to her and snatches the milk from her grip as he takes a sip afterwards "We've attended the school for 4 years without talking to each other like we used to do while we're in primary school. Loosen up Mi-so" he bites onto the straw and gives the girl a light pat on her arm.

Mi-so scoffs and snatches back her drink, when she's about to drink it, she stops and sighs "You bite onto your straw again". "What? It's not like you haven't done that before" he fights back. "Dude, first of all, this is my drink" she says before she pulls out the straw and finishes it by drinking on its lid.

"But really now, are you mad?" he asks carefully. Mi-so throws the empty cup into the bin and adverts her attention again to him "What do you think?". He shrugs "Mad, I guess?". "Thank god you're fast in catching up" Mi-so rolls her eyes "Are you happy now? Your so called fans will start to attack me if that girl gets lousy about what she saw earlier"

"Mi-so, I really need your help" Jungkook looks into her eyes "If there's a rumor saying we're together, just admit it okay? Let's just say we've been together since 2 months ago"

"Are you crazy?" she asks, raises her voice a bit "Who do you think am I to do such thing?"

"Jang Mi-so" he answers abruptly without hesitant at all "I mean come on, i know you for doing crazy things"

"Crazy but not this type of crazy. Am not going to be your girlfriend" she shakes her head and finally take her leave. Jungkook hisses and runs towards her before he reaches out for her hand "Pretty please" he flashes her his sad face "Just this once, maybe until we graduate. Then we'll split up. Come on Mi-so, there's like few couple of weeks before we graduate"

Mi-so remains quiet and he takes this chance to add some more "I promise that I won't bother you anymore after we split up, I mean I probably can't because we'll be attending different colleges" he let her hand falls out from his grip "What do you say?" he hums and raises his eyebrows.

The girl scoffs and moves her eyes up and down, scanning her friend "Never!" she clicks her tongue "Crazy" Mi-so mutters under her breath and walks away from him. On the other hand, Jungkook stomps his feet and runs his finger through his hair in frustration.

While Mi-so is on her way to her class, she keeps on talking to herself about how crazy that guy is just now. Mi-so knew him since they're in kindergarten and were  bestfriend ever since but once they got into their high school, they both agreed to act like they didn't know each other and whenever they bumped onto each other, he would spare a glance but she never will.

Mi-so combs her bobbed haircut to he back while heaving a sigh as her foot finally steps down from the last stairs. The girl walks towards her locker in the hallway and the uneasy feeling conquers herself. Slowly, she hangs her head low when she finally realises that all eyes are currently on her while she's walking down the hallway. Hastening her steps with her head facing the ground, she finally in front of her locker.

She does her combination quickly and stores whatever she wants and takes out whatever she needs before she can run to the bathroom that locates just few rooms away from her locker. Bumping onto someone, Mi-so doesn't even bother to look up for properly apologize, instead, she lowers her head a bit and runs quickly into the bathroom. As she runs towards her hiding place, she could definitely feels the stares, the fiery stares and the lousy mouth of theirs pointing her out. Also, Mi-so has her face hiding behind her hair the entire time and once she gets into one of the cubicle, she sticks her back to the door and heave a really big relief sigh.

Hand on her heart, she tries to stabilize her breathing "Man, rumors do spread quickly"


First chapter is up! And fyi this is just the beginning (* ̄︶ ̄*)



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on top of that, do remember to vote for them on MAMA as well!
(even though mnet is such a snake 🐍)
I don't want them to perform and sit there like nothing happen, they deserve the daesangs!

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