Chapter thirty-eight.

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The minute the glass smashed against the floor leaving little shards to be swallowed up by the carpet, I find the best way out.

The window.

But I can't help to ask myself just how bad Jessie's dad can get? Jessie is no stranger to a black eye and the way he spoke about his dad brought tears to my eyes.

He will get out. I say to myself. Even if I have to go and get him myself.

The few moments of silence that follows burn my ears and it isn't until Lola's hand starts to tremble in mine that I take my eyes off Jessie.

Slowly taking hold of the kitchen door handle, I push it just enough that we won't be seen. However, unable to close it, I can't help but fear I have little time to get Lola out.

Silently I lift her up onto the kitchen counter before opening the window and that's when the shouting starts. His father's voice a deep bellow as anger mixes with alcohol followed by the smash of another glass object.

Quickly, I also get onto the counter before lowering Lola out of the window and into the overgrown bushes below.

"Wait there." I whisper before sliding off the counter and taking one step, then another to the kitchen door. The shouting in the room next door still shaking the house as Jessie now pipes up against his father. My hand brushes against the door handle, my heart going faster than the speed of light as my brain refuses to walk away but instead shouts HELP HIM!

I try to look between the gap in the door but all I see is the back of Mr Oliver, his arms all over the place as he lifts another family portrait and throws it to the ground.

"WHERE IS SHE?" He roars until all goes silent.

I wait, and I wait as my hands start to shake and my breath hitches in my throat until salty tears escapes my eyes at the sight. I'm finally able to see Jessie now sat down on the floor with his back against the wall. His face all bloody and his body looking exhausted. I go to open the door, to run to him, to help him but I know his father is still in there and it will only cost Jessie more if he sees me.

Running back to the counter I slide out the window and grab Lola, holding her in my arms. She cries out hysterically for Jessie and my heart begins to break.

Trying to keep a steady voice, I whisper, "It's okay, Jessie is okay." and wipe away a tear before wiping away one of my own. I lead her out of the bushes and to the main road before crossing over to the other side and sitting on the pavement, Lola still whimpering in my arms. I pull out my phone before calling the police. It doesn't take long before they answer.

"Hello, Emergency service operator. Which service do you require?"

"Pol-Police, ambulance, both. Just please send help!" I cry down the phone.

"I'll connect you now." the man says before the call cuts over to a soft, female voice. "Ambulance service, what can I help you with today?" She asks.

"My friend! He's in, he's in trouble. Please send help right away! He's in danger."


I stay on the call with the woman for a total of ten minutes before a police car and ambulance arrive. I remember being too dazed to ask questions as they take Lola away from me.

The last thing I remember is seeing Jessie being helped by the paramedics and my raspy voice shouting out to him before finally seeing his father walk out in hand cuffs.

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