Ch1: Yagi (Y/n): Origin

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(Y/n): Your name (but mostly using (name))

(N/n): Nickname


When the world is full of misery the only hero that can save us it is ALL MIGHT!

A superhero comes up through the scene, holding dozens of people in his back and arms.

He laughs through his entrance and said those familiar words.

"Hah hah hah! Now it is all gonna be alright....why?. Because I AM HERE!" He proudly smiled.

"AL MIGHT!!!" the many people exclaimed and cheer in happiness.

-Video Ends-


I turn off my phone and turn to look at the clouds outside the airplane windows.

"Why do everyone likes him, he's just a pathetic super hero good for nothing..." I mumbled quietly.

"Are you still watching that? Looks like you watching it in a hundredth of time" Alex said jokely.

I push my eyebrows together and look at my brother offended. I pushed his shoulder a bit and pouted.

"Why don't you just let him be" he continues.

"Sure Mr. Alexander Hamilton" You smirked at his nickname.

"Ha hah very funny" Alex sarcastically laugh as he pushes my shoulder back.

"Hey the musical is so good, why didn't you go with me and granpapa before" as I twirled the strands my hair.

"Yeah sure you'd be screaming through the whole theater about me having the same name as the main character and you'd be constantly tease me through the whole musical" He deadpannedly stared at me.

"Hehe you know me!" I giggled at him.

As the conversation starts to died out, I stared at the clouds again and started to plugged my earphones at my phone to listen some music.

'All might this, all might that! I really hate him, he abandoned my mom and his children just to be proclaimed "A Symbol of Peace"

Symbol of Peace my ass! How he could maintain the peace, if he couldn't maintain the peace that he did in his family' I thought angrily. I quickly select my playlist and sleep at the rest of the ride.



After a hours of ride from America to Japan, I wake my brother, who fell asleep while drawing which is unhealthy for the eyes they say and he ignores it.

"Lexie Pixie we're here, wake up" He grumbled about his nickname and get our things. I grab my stuffed animal and walk beside alex.

We're half American and half Japanese, My mom is an American and my father is a Japanese.

My brother likes to draw and he had many followers on the internet and I'm a composer.

I compose some songs like Inner Child, Escapism and etc. I can also sing and play some instruments, while he programs some beats in his laptop.

Our mother passed away when I was 6, we are both been take care by our grandpa growing up and he passed away 2 years ago. He teaches us some languages, wisdom, gives a love of a parent and always be brave. I really miss him...


As I end my inner monologue, my brother get our luggages and walk at the airport's exit. We saw a familiar face in suit and glasses with some yellow streaks on his hair.

Broken Wings (Bnha Various x Reader) (To Be Rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now